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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What was your favorite console last gen. Were you a fanboy?

I had a Dreamcast and a Gamecube
so I guess I was a sega fanboy at a time, then all my love went to gamecube after my dreamcast got stolen

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TomaTito said:
I missed last gen consoles, so PC fanboy I guess.

 Oh so you get to play alot of last gen games if you get all 3 consoles or use a console now that has bc.

There are alot of gamecube fans. I wonder why it didn't sell more.

I couldn't have a favorite. Both the cube and PS2 served me well. Happy gaming all round. PS2 might have edged it because of the Knight Rider games. I am only a fanboy for DS.



I owned and loved all four home consoles, but I give the edge to the Gamecube. I wasn't bothered by the game droughts as much as most. Probably because I had three other consoles, a PC, and a few handhelds to occupy me.

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The PS2 was my favorite system last generation, the other systems had some good games, but the PS2 just had too many for the other guys to compete.

Hey ps2 people vote.

I had a ps2 and gamecube.

I liked the Gamecube mainly for the exclusive offerings it offered.

I.e Zelda, Smash, Mario Kart, Eternal Darkness, Starfox, Metroid

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It seems the ps2 people have overlooked the poll. I was a gamcube fan personally but I did own both a ps2 and gamecube.

"Back off, man. I'm a scientist."

Your theories are the worst kind of popular tripe, your methods are sloppy, and your conclusions are highly questionable! You are a poor scientist. Especially if you think the moon landing was faked.

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