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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What was your favorite console last gen. Were you a fanboy?

gamecube for me. i wasn't that old when i got it in 2001, but i still loved it. Pikmen, Super Smash brother's melee, and Luigi's mansion are the games i first played and they're probably what got me into gaming. i wasn't a fanboy, i was still a little too young.

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ps2 of course.

that game had many countless classics. vice city, san andreas, r and c, fifa 07, nba, jak and daxter, god of war, and more

i'll defo say gamecube thanks to games like wind waker, melee and super monkey ball. An honourable mention to the dreamcast aswell

nintendo and sega fan since i was old enough to hold a game controller.

note: my games collection on my profile is only 20ish% complete, i've got a boatload of 360,saturn and dreamcast games to add and a few ps3 games, thanks :)


PS2. It had lots of great games.

I had an original Xbox and loved it. Hope to pick up a 360 later on when the price drops.

I also picked up a dirt cheap $50 Dreamcast. Was a lot of fun but man that thing was loud as hell. I don't know if it was the fans or the optical drive but I remember it annoyed me quite a bit.

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Gamecube. I liked the PS2 too and didn't have much interest in the Xbox.

Now in this gen, I like the Wii. I'm interested in the Xbox360, no interests in the PS3 yet, aside from MGS4.

Gamecube. I had access to a friend's Xbox for several months and I played the shit out of Halo, but other than that the Gamecube was pretty much the only game in town for me as far as home consoles. But StarCraft and Diablo II ate RIDICULOUS amounts of my time.

As far as being a fanboy goes, I don't know. I didn't have any animosity for the other platforms, I just ignored them. I actually kind of surprised myself, because I had expected to get a PS2 for Final Fantasy, but I never got around to it. I just didn't seem to care. (I still played a lot of PS1 games, though, including FF Tactics, so that may have been part of it. And FFX didn't attract me like all the previous games had, for some reason.)

Now I'm catching up on PS2 games thanks to full BC on my 60 gig PS3, and I've got Panzer Dragoon Orta, teh Haloz, and a few other Xbox games. (And by "catch up" I mean buy them and plan to play them but actually don't. )

Tag (courtesy of fkusumot): "Please feel free -- nay, I encourage you -- to offer rebuttal."
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My advice to fanboys: Brag about stuff that's true, not about stuff that's false. Predict stuff that's likely, not stuff that's unlikely. You will be happier, and we will be happier.

"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts." - Sen. Pat Moynihan
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The old smileys: ; - ) : - ) : - ( : - P : - D : - # ( c ) ( k ) ( y ) If anyone knows the shortcut for , let me know!
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I have the most epic death scene ever in VGChartz Mafia.  Thanks WordsofWisdom! 

My favorite console last gen by far was the PS2. It had, by far, the best software selection. I only owned one console because I couldn't afford more than one (entirely different now) but I wasn't a fanboy about it either.


2nd best console of all-time.

I am Washu-bot B, loyal servant of Final-Fan, the greatest scientific genius in the universe!

xbox had all three played xbox most ps2 second gc last and some dc