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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What was your favorite console last gen. Were you a fanboy?

I had (and still have) a PS2 and Dreamcast. I mainly used my PS2 for Bemani games as that's what I liked to play. The DC I picked up for $50 new when stores were getting rid of them.

Fanboy? nope, not at all.

I actually owned several PS2s over the years and got rid of them, too. I bought one when they were first released in the US, but sold it soon after(no games!), then I bought a JP PS2 but sold it before the first time I went to Japan. I bought two PS2s in JP(one was a "Sakura" colored special edition) and brought them back with me to the US, then sold one off. Then when the slims were released in the US I bought one and got it modded to play all my JP PS2 games and then sold the fat JP PS2 I had. I still have the slim PS2 with me(though I don't really play it that much now). :)
I guess I've owned 5 PS2s total, hahaha.

starcraft: "I and every PS3 fanboy alive are waiting for Versus more than FFXIII.
Me since the games were revealed, the fanboys since E3."

Skeeuk: "playstation 3 is the ultimate in gaming acceleration"

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I myself owned the gamecube, and loved it to death (still play some games). Friends/Relatives had the other 3 consoles, and the only one I really hated, due to an anecdotal story. My friend bought a launch xbox, and something was wrong with the fan. He literally had to put it in the fridge before we played it, and after a half hour or so of playing, it overheated and shut off. That experience pissed me off so much. The Dreamcast was the first video game system of this past gen that I played, and was amazed by the graphics of NHL2K (or maybe 2K2.....not sure). I played a lot of games on the PS2, although in short bursts and loved it. One day
I'll borrow a PS2/PS3 and play the games I missed (most of them).

At the start of the last gen i was a big SEGA fan, even after my disapointment with the saturn (yes i owned one). So naturally I was a big Dreamcast fan, unfortunately the system met it's maker before it's time and i was without a system again. For some reason, maybe it was my own ignorance to the industry at the time, I blamed SEGA's demise on the PS2. So I bought a gamecube and became a huge fanboy of the sytem and Nintendo in general. Guess I rediscovered my old faves from my NES days as a kid. During the lifespan of the Cube i bought over 200 games for it and enjoyed most of what i had. After RE4 the huge lull set in and i mostly only played compilation titles. During that time i bought an Xbox because of KOTOR and a few other games like Ninja Gaiden. Not really a fanboy for xbox it was more a gap filler for my cube. I still havent owned a PS2 and I don't plan on buying one until the new ones are about $50. I have played one from time to time at friends houses.

This gen i really mellowed out on the fanboyism and now look at the industry in a more impartial way. I recognize that all three consoles have their gems and are all worth owning.

Gamecube, and yes, I think I was a bit of a fanboy.

I drink your milkshake.

Dreamcast easily
it had these really unique games that were so out there. Games like those aren't that common anymore

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I wasn't a very knowledgeable gamer. I probably preferred the ps2, simply because I owned the most games for it, and didn't get a GC until later in the generation. But once I had a GC, my time was split pretty evenly between the two, while I caught up on all the games I missed.

The PC also took up a lot of my time, because of RTS.

I owned them all except dreamcast. I was gonna get it but it was discontinued too soon. I rated it like

PS2: 10/10 I got most games for it and it was the one I bought first.

Xbox: 5/10 Bought a few games because of in game music, stopped working for no reason after a while.

Gamecube: 1/10 Waste of money. I have no interest in Nintendo games. Never have. Wish I hadn't bought. Played it for 10 hours total.


I wasn't really a fanboy. I was starting to buy more games for the xbox until it broke. If you wanted to call me a fanboy it was sony/ms becuse I hated nintendo at the time for wasting my money :(. This gen I decided to just buy the PS3 because I don't play as much now and it has the exclusive's I like most. I have every gran turismo and am a big fan. I also thought killzone was brilliant. I'm more of a casual gamer and I didn't know or care about framerate so it made no difference with killzone. I also love Naughty dog games. I was gonna buy a 360 for halo and a few other games but then when I saw about the failure rate I decided not too. I also borrowed a friends, I never finished halo campaign or gears. I don't think I will buy a Wii. I like what nintendo have done but I think they are going for a different market which I am not part of. 

PS2, if I was a fanboy of anything it was and will always be with Nintendo, they have my heart. But PS2 was were the games were at for me, and I'm a GAMER above all else.

I didn't even play GameCube classics until I got a Wii, which was 2x's as sweet for me because during Wii so-called draughts I got to experience Wind Waker, Pikimin, Metroid Primes, Rebel Assault, and etc.

But PS2 was where it was at for me, and I hated on XBOX (due to the abnormal controller size with a passion).

Funny now I own a 360 and a Wii, but like I said I follow where the games I want to play go.

That being said MGS4 has me wanting to rent, borrow a PS-triple something fierce! - It is what it is!

I had a GameCube first, then a PS2 (well... you could count Dreamcast as very first).

I mostly played with my Gamecube though. The proof is that I actually bought 2 because my first one stopped reading discs! Melee, Metroid Prime, Star Fox, Ikaruga, etc., they were all the sheit! =P

Random game thought :
Why is Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 getting so much hate? We finally get a real game and they're not even satisfied... I'm starting to hate the gaming community so f****** much...

Watch my insane gameplay videos on my YouTube page!

I liked the gamecube the best, i wasn't a big fan of most of the Playstation franchises like GTA.

I owned twice as many games for gamecube as i did for the PS2 and probably spent about 10x as much playtime.