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PS2, if I was a fanboy of anything it was and will always be with Nintendo, they have my heart. But PS2 was were the games were at for me, and I'm a GAMER above all else.

I didn't even play GameCube classics until I got a Wii, which was 2x's as sweet for me because during Wii so-called draughts I got to experience Wind Waker, Pikimin, Metroid Primes, Rebel Assault, and etc.

But PS2 was where it was at for me, and I hated on XBOX (due to the abnormal controller size with a passion).

Funny now I own a 360 and a Wii, but like I said I follow where the games I want to play go.

That being said MGS4 has me wanting to rent, borrow a PS-triple something fierce! - It is what it is!