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At the start of the last gen i was a big SEGA fan, even after my disapointment with the saturn (yes i owned one). So naturally I was a big Dreamcast fan, unfortunately the system met it's maker before it's time and i was without a system again. For some reason, maybe it was my own ignorance to the industry at the time, I blamed SEGA's demise on the PS2. So I bought a gamecube and became a huge fanboy of the sytem and Nintendo in general. Guess I rediscovered my old faves from my NES days as a kid. During the lifespan of the Cube i bought over 200 games for it and enjoyed most of what i had. After RE4 the huge lull set in and i mostly only played compilation titles. During that time i bought an Xbox because of KOTOR and a few other games like Ninja Gaiden. Not really a fanboy for xbox it was more a gap filler for my cube. I still havent owned a PS2 and I don't plan on buying one until the new ones are about $50. I have played one from time to time at friends houses.

This gen i really mellowed out on the fanboyism and now look at the industry in a more impartial way. I recognize that all three consoles have their gems and are all worth owning.