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Forums - Sony Discussion - Is it possible that The Last Guardian might be.............. boring?

It's just a different game. Amidst all the Killzones, the Uncharteds, the Infamous games, and the God of Wars, a game like The Last Guardian is a welcome, unique addition to the portfolio. It's not necessarily going to make bank, but it's something that adds a little something else to the line-up. I think people projected what they wanted out of this game, but if you know the developer's previous efforts, you'd know this would not be the case.

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There is always a possibility that this game will end up boring. Or maybe even outright bad.

But whatever the outcome turns out to be, I am sure it will not live up to all the expectations. This game has been a myth for so long, people are bound to be disappointed regardless.

Burek said:
There is always a possibility that this game will end up boring. Or maybe even outright bad.

But whatever the outcome turns out to be, I am sure it will not live up to all the expectations. This game has been a myth for so long, people are bound to be disappointed regardless.

Not for those who know what to expect and do it for the right reasons.

A parallel between those who'll be disappointed with the game is that they're the same who are jumping on Shenmue 3 hype without having much of an experience with those games and will end up disappointed with it too.

Boring? I think the mainstream shooter clones are boring and pointless. Kill, die, kill, die, kill, die, kill, die, kill, die, kill, die all day long. I guess it's a matter of taste.

Yes. The hype for this game has been entirely blown out of proportion. Theres a reason why his other games haven't sold 10m each, they're niche. Its not a case of whether it'll be boring, more whether it'll appeal to your taste. Maybe people caught up in the hype maybe expecting something very different from what is likely to be on offer.

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If you're not a fan of Team ICO games, steer clear of TLG. This is a very specific type of game for people that like those ones. I also expect it to review poorly as these types of games just don't carry the power to demand it anymore.

Thanks jlmurph!

Too early to say. The Last Guardian is very unique!

looked alright to me. Had more problems with the fact that it looked exactly like the trailer back then and thus very outdated.
Will keep an eye on it.

Clearly you've never played Ico or Shadow of the Colossus.

Those games reach you emotional and you play for the experience, not because it's this over the top blockbuster action game.

Goodness. Impatient gamers these days.

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@OP - Have you played ico? Its very similar with it. If you expect gunblazing action game then you are looking at wrong game.