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Forums - Sony Discussion - Is it possible that The Last Guardian might be.............. boring?

teigaga said:
Yes. The hype for this game has been entirely blown out of proportion. Theres a reason why his other games haven't sold 10m each, they're niche. Its not a case of whether it'll be boring, more whether it'll appeal to your taste. Maybe people caught up in the hype maybe expecting something very different from what is likely to be on offer.

SOTC still sold well all things considered. Almost 1M just in NA. Not that I'm disagreeing.

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ps3-sales! said:
Clearly you've never played Ico or Shadow of the Colossus.

Those games reach you emotional and you play for the experience, not because it's this over the top blockbuster action game.

Goodness. Impatient gamers these days.

Someones a passionate fan. xD

Everything is possible. Could Halo 5 be boring?

I was expecting so much more after hearing this game's name for years. The Last Guardian looks like a high quality indie title.

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A game isn't boring when it doesn't have big guns and lots of enemies to kill while running and jumping. I loved the gameplay they showed, it's exactly what I wanted for this game. But yes, it's different from other "mainstream" games.

For me, it's this diversity (lots of "niche" games and not only mainstream ones) that makes Sony what it is.

if some peoples main entertainment comes from shooting and killing stuff than i'm sure this one will be boring to them. but those people should also keep in mind that their tastes are most likely boring to someone like me as well.

A lot of people hated both ICO and SOTC.

People forget that Ueda games aren't universally loved. In fact only a minority of gamers and press actually enjoyed the PS2 games.

A very niche type of game that will be enjoyed, mostly by gamers who liked previous Ueda works.

Vasto said:
I was expecting so much more after hearing this game's name for years. The Last Guardian looks like a high quality indie title.

Yeah...maybe not.

GameMasterPC said:
Vasto said:
I was expecting so much more after hearing this game's name for years. The Last Guardian looks like a high quality indie title.

Yeah...maybe not.

Don't. He said it looks like a high quality game. There's no higher praise than that.