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Forums - Sony Discussion - Is it possible that The Last Guardian might be.............. boring?

Roronaa_chan said:
armin_m said:
ofc. its 8 years old suff.
have to prove its a modern game with modern gameplay first Modern gameplay is boring. TLG is the opposite of boring.

What is "modern" game exactly?

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I expect it's mainly a puzzle game, like ICO, and I love that, because personally I enjoyed ICO a bit more than SotC - both are great though.

Maybe when we start to see more the game past that trailer, then it'll start to look a lot more interesting.

"Just for comparison Uncharted 4 was 20x bigger than Splatoon 2. This shows the huge difference between Sony's first-party games and Nintendo's first-party games."

Mystro-Sama said:
Roronaa_chan said: Modern gameplay is boring. TLG is the opposite of boring.

What is "modern" game exactly?

The carrot on a stick formula.

While I can appreciate the art direction I found ICO and SoTC to be boring as hell. I'm really not into artsy fartsy games, gimme something I can play and dig my teeth into within 5 minutes please.

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Never played ICO or SoTC so I don't fully understand it. Definitely in wait and see mode on this one.

psn- tokila

add me, the more the merrier.

It really looks like a slow game, which I love to play occasionally. So I'm still excited. I think it looks great, not necessarily technically speaking, but at the least it's unique (although it does resemble Ico somewhat of course). The gameplay doesn't look all that mind blowing... for now. We'll see.

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If anything the game's lighting and physics are fantastic.

Well sales for the previous games tell you it is an acquired taste. If you don't like slower paced games, it won't be for you.

If this is like how SotC was(which was slow but was fun as heck), then it's not gonna be boring for me.


Nintendo Switch FC: SW-6340-7643-4233 aka Renji

Steam: Lee Roid