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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Why Starfox Zero's graphics are bad

glad I'm not the only one noticing that. When I started the Direct, I didn't quite get the beginning and I found myself in the middle of Star Fox and was honestly not sure if this was WiiU footage, because it really looked a lot like last gen. Worst Nintendo art direction in years.

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I don't mind it too much to be honest.. All I care about is that Star Fox looks fun as hell.

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

To be fair too it's rendering two separate frames at once, one at 720p on the TV and one seperate image on the Game Pad.

No, it's not going to win any awards for visuals and it's certainly not pushing the Wii U to the max, but the graphics get the job done.

Lol you idiots need to get a life. The game looks great, unlike ur Sony fan boy no life brains. Fact is, xbox one and ps4 also look like shit. Until you can get movie type cgi graphics then it's not even worth debating about how you all love to attack the wii u. The wii u has some of the best lookibg games out there tbh.  Now go back under ur stone. 


- User was moderated for this post. ~ Tachikoma

I don't think Star Fox graphics are bad, but certainly not best looking Wii U game.

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Paatar said:
Einsam_Delphin said:

The story is different aswell, unless you just mean it's similar, which I guess could be true, but Pigma flying solo and Pepper being attacked directly are new things.

You are correct. The story is entirely different than any other Starfox game. This one is just in the same universe and timeline of 64.

True dat. When I said the story appears to essentially be a remake, I didn't mean a 1:1 translation. I meant more in the lines of what SF64 was to the original, a pseudo-reboot. If it's that, then I'll be perfectly OK with it, because that means that we get a working plot that has the license to add in some twists and new flavors. And Peppy is back as a wingman (sorry Krystal). And Andross and Star Wolf are allowed to be cool again, meaning that lame ass Panther is gone. And no Aparoids. Those things sucked ass.

I was really hoping for a online mode. I thought that by now there would have been enough for a 8 player online mode. Or a online co op mode.

Barozi said:
glad I'm not the only one noticing that. When I started the Direct, I didn't quite get the beginning and I found myself in the middle of Star Fox and was honestly not sure if this was WiiU footage, because it really looked a lot like last gen. Worst Nintendo art direction in years.

Maybe cos it's not Nintendo art direction. Platinum are handling the art side of things.

it looks alright to me, i don't really see what everyone's complaining about.

I just hate the gamepad cockpit view so, so much.