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Paatar said:
Einsam_Delphin said:

The story is different aswell, unless you just mean it's similar, which I guess could be true, but Pigma flying solo and Pepper being attacked directly are new things.

You are correct. The story is entirely different than any other Starfox game. This one is just in the same universe and timeline of 64.

True dat. When I said the story appears to essentially be a remake, I didn't mean a 1:1 translation. I meant more in the lines of what SF64 was to the original, a pseudo-reboot. If it's that, then I'll be perfectly OK with it, because that means that we get a working plot that has the license to add in some twists and new flavors. And Peppy is back as a wingman (sorry Krystal). And Andross and Star Wolf are allowed to be cool again, meaning that lame ass Panther is gone. And no Aparoids. Those things sucked ass.