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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Mario: 3D Land vs. 3D World

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They're Both 3D...but which is better to you?

Super Mario 3D Land 28 18.18%
Super Mario 3D World 115 74.68%
Super Mario 3D Land World... 11 7.14%

3D World is much better than 3D Land! I have replayed 3D World quite a number of times, but I can't say the same for 3D Land! I'm sorry, but I just don't see any reason to go back to that game.. :/

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

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I understand why you like 3D land more, but 3D world is just more fun imo, 3D land is kinda bland in level envoirment

World.... HD does a lot of good the mechanism were polished.
Land wins on content but it is a portable game hence shorter.


I agree with you and say 3d land is better, moreso for the system it is on if anything.

Overall, the 3d line seems like a downgrade of traditional 3d mario games. mario galaxy, sunshine, and 64 offer places to explore, puzzles to solve, and great platforming.

3d land and 3d world takes only the platforming (no exploring and no puzzles) and puts a timer.

That is perfect for a handheld since a handheld is mainly for quick games on the go, but on the wii u, 3d world just feels like mario galaxy but severely stripped of gameplay features for an HD alternative. It does have coop though which is nice.

Soooo... super mario 3d land

I personally think 3D World was originally developed for 3DS but they wanted a Mario title on Wii U so they just shifted development. 3D World was great but it really just felt like 3D Land but this time in HD

NND: 0047-7271-7918 | XBL: Nights illusion | PSN: GameNChick

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3D World. 4 times the players, 4 times the fun.

Both are awesome but the fact that I could play Super Mario 3D Land everywhere I went was amazing!
Also, 3D World reused the 3D Land formula which means less originality therefore less hype from me, if it was something new like Galaxy was or even like how 3D Land was I probably would've preferred it.

3DWorld of course.

Taking only the games themselves, 3D World is the better game with it's fleshed out world and more elaborate levels and bonusses.

However, 3D Land is better at being a handheld game than 3D World is at being a console game, if you catch my drift. 3D Land is something you would expect as the 'main feature Mario platformer' on a handheld, leaving a positive taste, while 3D World is less of what you expect from the 'great 3D Mario adventure' on a console, given there could also be an epic 64/Galaxy-like game. This makes it feel like this would actually be a side-game, leaving a slight negative taste.

I'll vote 3D World however, because black/white, it's the better game.

As someone who hasn't played either, I have to say 3d world. I have very low expectations since I don't like the direction they took(or at least what I perceived they took) but co op mario might be fun so I would choose World. I will probably pick it up this holiday for the co op if Diddy Kong Racing is on 3ds instead of wiiu.

"Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." -My good friend Mark Aurelius