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Forums - Sales Discussion - Xbox 360 Vs. Playstation 3

It's a pretty bad comparison when your trying to compare systems. I don't mean to be biased but......... FPS games: PS3 has (exclusively) Killzone, and every multi-port imaginable. X360 has Gears of War, Halo, Bioshock (for now) Advantage: Microsoft RPGs: PS3 has FFXIII, and possibly KH3, but that's in question. Both are iffy at the moment. Xbox 360 has Mass Effect, Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey, and Trusty Bell/Eternal Sonata, Fable series. Advantage: Depends on if the SE games actually are PS3-exclusives. If so it's equal. If not, the advantage is clearly to MS. Racers: PS3 has Gran Turismo (among others) X360 has Forza and PGR series Advantage: Microsoft. GT is great, but Forza, although lesser known, is leaps ahead of GT in every way. Multi-Ports: PS3 has the vast majority X360 has a slightly larger majority. Advantage: X360 for now. The 360 is typically the lead platform for next-gen to dev for for the more rudamentry games (EA, Activision, ect). The more advanced ones (DMC4) are probably going to be equal. However, at some point 4-5 years from now, the PS3 could be better. The 360 not only has an equal library to the PS3 for the first year of release (it seems to still bode in the 360s favor vs. PS3s for how great the 2006 lineup was). But more importantly; the 2008 season of games is going to be very pro Wii and most likely neutral or anti PS3. Also, about RPGs on MS systems: Of the top 10 Xbox games, 3 were RPGs that sold over 1m copies. Morrowind (1.8m), KOTOR 1 and 2 (1.95 and 1.3), and Fable (2.6m). It's a fallacy that Xbox owners dislike RPGs. It's just merely that MS overlooked 1st party RPGs until they bought Lionhead and banrolled Mistwaker. Heck, look at Blue Dragon. It's tier ratios are just as good as DOA3 was for the first box. In other news for the 360; Enchant Arm ended up @ 150k units in the US (compared to PS3s 30k or so). Oblivion obviously sold about 10x better on the 360 (but that's expected). Xbox 360 fans buy alot of shooters, yes, but they buy in equal numbers, any good game that makes itself worthy (for the 360, look at GH2, Oblivion, Dead Rising, Crackdown and Saints Row. All are, or will be million sellers). There are tons of 1m+ sellers this year that aren't going to be shooters such as Madden 08, Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey, Forza 2, Trusty Bell (maybe), GTAIV, and probably a few others. Overall, as a 360 owner, I am far more impressed with the software I buy, and can buy, versus anything the PS3 could offer me. To me, the PS3 is far too expensive for what it's going to provide to a gamer. Very few exclusives, and the exclusives it does have (aside from FFXIII, which I doubt will be exclusive), are all Sony-made, and just....aren't to my tastes compared to the far superior offerings that MS is making like Fable, Mistwaker titles, Forza, ect. MS is putting out far higher quality games right now vs. Sony.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

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dallas said:

The thing with the PS3 vs 360 discussion is that while sony still has improvements coming down the pipeline for its product through improved online capabilities (better PSN, Home) or higher levels of blu-ray market penetration, better games or whatever, the 360 can differentiate itself with ONLY by lowering its price, and I have been looking but haven't heard of anything that the 360 is doing to improve its product.


So, the PS3 has all of the POTENTIAL forward momentum here.

But the 360 has all the ACTUAL foward momentum. Just look at the sales in comparison to each other. 


Shooters Ps3 - Killzone, Resistance, Socom 360 - Halo (Bio probably going multi while Gears3 is multi for sure) winner PS3 RpgsPs3 - FF13, FF13 Versus, White night story (rest is not all that) 360 - Mass effect, Fable (rest is not all that) winner PS3 Diversity of games from best RPGs to racers to action to adventure to kiddy games to party games PS3 has it all. winner PS3 Quality PS3 hardware is great no problems, 360 um the word is defective. Red ring of death anyone. Warranty done, $140 replecement. winner PS3 Online - live $50 a year, Sonys PSn and home Free. Life - Ms will kill their product in a second if they have a new one out like with the original xbox/360. Sony will support their old console even if the new one is out. Price PS3 - $600 360 - $480 + 50 a year for Live It simple to see that the PS3 is a much better choice.

Blue3 said:
Shooters Ps3 - Killzone, Resistance, Socom 360 - Halo (Bio probably going multi while Gears3 is multi for sure) winner PS3 RpgsPs3 - FF13, FF13 Versus, White night story (rest is not all that) 360 - Mass effect, Fable (rest is not all that) winner PS3 Diversity of games from best RPGs to racers to action to adventure to kiddy games to party games PS3 has it all. winner PS3 Quality PS3 hardware is great no problems, 360 um the word is defective. Red ring of death anyone. Warranty done, $140 replecement. winner PS3 Online - live $50 a year, Sonys PSn and home Free. Life - Ms will kill their product in a second if they have a new one out like with the original xbox/360. Sony will support their old console even if the new one is out. Price PS3 - $600 360 - $480 + 50 a year for Live It simple to see that the PS3 is a much better choice.

I have to disagree with a few things. Killzone, Risistance, & Socom put together are not going to outsell Halo. Killzone has historically been kind of... crappy and as far as I know, no one really considers it a AAA title. For RPG's , FF will obviously outsell most RPGs so *if it is exclusive to Sony, then Sony will win out on that front. Realistically however, I have to lean towards the XBox for RPGs at this time as well. It has excellent RPG's already and there is no guarantee that FF will not be ported. I think it will all boil down to whether or not they can make enough money from it. Hell it wouldnt surprise me to see a Wii port. The claim that it is impossible is rubbish any programmer can tell you that. Just lower the quality of the FMV and textures and you will be fine. Hell I dont see how 9gigs are even used for that game to begin with. There are games on the PC that are 10X as complex with even better graphics and they dont come out to anywhere near 9gigs (see MMORPGs).

As for online... most people dont even use it so the point is kind of moot. If you want online however, the best choice is and will always be the PC and not a console. The only games that really do well online for consoles are shooters so in that sense, you will follow your favorite game rather than the price of being online. I dont like the $50 a year thing but it is affordable for most and the fanatic shooter fans will pay whatever to have it.

I do agree that the 360 has unacceptable failure rates. In fact they should be sued for it and they should replace every single 1st generation 360 for a new version once the issue has been fixed. The failure rates on 360s is much higher than the 6% they want us to believe. It is probably around 50% but ill take the safe side and say its between 10% & 20% for now just so I dont get flamed too much (since I really dont care).

Blue3 said:
Shooters Ps3 - Killzone, Resistance, Socom 360 - Halo (Bio probably going multi while Gears3 is multi for sure) winner PS3 RpgsPs3 - FF13, FF13 Versus, White night story (rest is not all that) 360 - Mass effect, Fable (rest is not all that) winner PS3 Diversity of games from best RPGs to racers to action to adventure to kiddy games to party games PS3 has it all. winner PS3 Quality PS3 hardware is great no problems, 360 um the word is defective. Red ring of death anyone. Warranty done, $140 replecement. winner PS3 Online - live $50 a year, Sonys PSn and home Free. Life - Ms will kill their product in a second if they have a new one out like with the original xbox/360. Sony will support their old console even if the new one is out. Price PS3 - $600 360 - $480 + 50 a year for Live It simple to see that the PS3 is a much better choice.


Shooters: Gears of War and Halo are both sales, and review wise far better quality. Halo3 will most likely out-sell the 3 you named combined. Critically, Gears of War and the Halo series both have recieved scores above 93%. Resistance was given a 88 or 89% globally. Killzone 1 was somewhere in the high 70s, and Socom is great, but still, neither critically or sales-wise as good as the MS games.

 RPGs: Although FF12 renewed my hopes in actual good Final Fantasies, the series has been on a decline, expecially critically. I do believe Blue Dragon was reviewed far more favorably that most SE releases as of late. Sales wise, the FF series wins, but this is because we're talking about a 20 year old franchise vs. a few year old franchises.

How does the PS3 "have it all"? Every single game is now multi-platform for the 360, or very close to. MGS4 is going to be 360, GH2, DMC4, Last Remnant, GTAIV, every EA game, and quite a few other major titles from every studio is either ported to 360.

As for the quality comment, I can assume you don't own a 360. My 360 had 2,000 hours of play before it died. When it died, MS fixed it in litterally 1 day, free of charge. I doubt you'd get that kind of care with sony products.

 Also, why are you comparing a superior 360 version vs. an inferior PS3 version? Why not compare the $400 prem to the $600 PS3?

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

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You know that Sony also invested some money on helping Kojima create MGS4. Kojima said that he wanted to keep MGS4 as an exclusive he or the devs wanted a hometheatric console they are going to add lots of cutsceance, extras gameplay and all that crap 10 gigs were not enough and i doubt that the devs are going to delay the game any further for the 360 i mean check out halo if it would be multi it would suck for PS3 since it was designed for the 360 that why the 360 version would be a hit and the PS3 version would be a flop. MGS4 is to advanced in the production changing to multi would ruin the game completely.

FF is also known as a giant RPG game with 30 or more hours of gameplay. Square wanted to switch to Next-gen they would need excellent graphics, gameplay and also make the story mode longer than 30 hours. The DVD9 of the Xbox cant handle all that. If u want to i cane find an article of Square stating that 10gigs arent enough and they wanted to use the full capacity of the Blu-ray disc which is 50gigs on 2 layers.

FF might go multi but MGS4 hell no

Forza is better than GT wtf u dont know shit about GT. GT 4 for PS2 had 751 cars all presice the game runs at 1080i and it a PS2 title GT 5 is gonna of the chain and it did not even come outniether were there any deoms of it, GT HD is only a pimped demo version of GT 4 and the graphics looked damm nice and it was just a demo.

You can easily use multiple discs for both MGS4 and FFXIII. Switching the disc once ever 10-20 hours isn't going to kill you.

mrstickball said:


assume you don't own a 360. My 360 had 2,000 hours of play before it died. When it died, MS fixed it in litterally 1 day, free of charge. I doubt you'd get that kind of care with sony products.


well i owned a 360.. i didnt get service nowhere close to that so its just a matter of how they treated you i guess.. for me the warranty didnt cover my system dying at the time because at the time they only had a 90 day warranty... i was past 90 days... so they may have treated you good but dont think everyone in this world got the same treatment as you



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mrstickball said:
It's a pretty bad comparison when your trying to compare systems. I don't mean to be biased but......... FPS games: PS3 has (exclusively) Killzone, and every multi-port imaginable. X360 has Gears of War, Halo, Bioshock (for now) Advantage: Microsoft RPGs: PS3 has FFXIII, and possibly KH3, but that's in question. Both are iffy at the moment. Xbox 360 has Mass Effect, Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey, and Trusty Bell/Eternal Sonata, Fable series. Advantage: Depends on if the SE games actually are PS3-exclusives. If so it's equal. If not, the advantage is clearly to MS. Racers: PS3 has Gran Turismo (among others) X360 has Forza and PGR series Advantage: Microsoft. GT is great, but Forza, although lesser known, is leaps ahead of GT in every way. Multi-Ports: PS3 has the vast majority X360 has a slightly larger majority. Advantage: X360 for now. The 360 is typically the lead platform for next-gen to dev for for the more rudamentry games (EA, Activision, ect). The more advanced ones (DMC4) are probably going to be equal. However, at some point 4-5 years from now, the PS3 could be better. The 360 not only has an equal library to the PS3 for the first year of release (it seems to still bode in the 360s favor vs. PS3s for how great the 2006 lineup was). But more importantly; the 2008 season of games is going to be very pro Wii and most likely neutral or anti PS3. Also, about RPGs on MS systems: Of the top 10 Xbox games, 3 were RPGs that sold over 1m copies. Morrowind (1.8m), KOTOR 1 and 2 (1.95 and 1.3), and Fable (2.6m). It's a fallacy that Xbox owners dislike RPGs. It's just merely that MS overlooked 1st party RPGs until they bought Lionhead and banrolled Mistwaker. Heck, look at Blue Dragon. It's tier ratios are just as good as DOA3 was for the first box. In other news for the 360; Enchant Arm ended up @ 150k units in the US (compared to PS3s 30k or so). Oblivion obviously sold about 10x better on the 360 (but that's expected). Xbox 360 fans buy alot of shooters, yes, but they buy in equal numbers, any good game that makes itself worthy (for the 360, look at GH2, Oblivion, Dead Rising, Crackdown and Saints Row. All are, or will be million sellers). There are tons of 1m+ sellers this year that aren't going to be shooters such as Madden 08, Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey, Forza 2, Trusty Bell (maybe), GTAIV, and probably a few others. Overall, as a 360 owner, I am far more impressed with the software I buy, and can buy, versus anything the PS3 could offer me. To me, the PS3 is far too expensive for what it's going to provide to a gamer. Very few exclusives, and the exclusives it does have (aside from FFXIII, which I doubt will be exclusive), are all Sony-made, and just....aren't to my tastes compared to the far superior offerings that MS is making like Fable, Mistwaker titles, Forza, ect. MS is putting out far higher quality games right now vs. Sony.

Thanks for your opinions stated as fact on how much better the xbox360 games are compared to the ps3's,can i have some of what you're smoking???