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Forums - Gaming Discussion - PS Vita is outselling Wii U - though Wii U is getting more love from it's developer

Nintendo had to run to get a decent sells for Wii U but SONY just crawling like snail to get a decent sales for Vita. Yup i say that's how genius worked (Thomas Alpha Edison)

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Good question and I wonder the same. Wii U is supported pretty heavily compared to Vita, yet Vita sells better. Hmmm.....

I have both and love both immensely. They provide very different experiences from each other and exclusives on both are amazing. I wouldn't call Vita a beast, but I also wouldn't say it's selling better solely because of Wii U's failure. I guess for Vita, maybe the Sony brand name power, handheld portability, and exclusives are broader-reaching?

I hope Nintendo's next console and Son'y next handheld (if they do one) sell better than their predecessors. It really is a shame when quality products sell so poorly.

It'll be awhile before I figure out how to do one of these. :P 

Vita has a better library, much more games, simple.

Wii U has almost no 3rd party support

Predictions for end of 2014 HW sales:

 PS4: 17m   XB1: 10m    WiiU: 10m   Vita: 10m


MikeRox said:
Samus Aran said:

It is a failure, but that doesn't mean it's a bad console.

You should post like this more often :)

Dunno why sales are always equated to quality so much.

It is true, Aside from a few Wii Games, Wii imo is the worse Nintendo Console in terms of SW (ironically it has some of the best stuff... SMG+2 to name 1 franchise)

The only thing I got from this post is that you admit that the Vita is dead!

OT the Wii U is a experiment from Nintendo. Its their first foray into HD gaming and there was bound to be experiments and growing pains and that is good. It means their next console will be even better.

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IIRC it was the same last year. Vita outsold the Wii U in the quiet months, meanwhile during the busier periods the Wii U made up the difference quite quickly.

Aerys said:
Vita has a better library, much more games, simple.

Wii U has almost no 3rd party support

In terms of Quantity, Vita kills WiiU because of third party (Mostly Japan) but tbf It has non existent 1st Party and most of its games that arent Japanese niche or MH type of games are water downed ports like XC:3D.

That said it has huge indie support and a huge catalog. Great HW overall, but i think WiiU delivers a little more with Quality games, but thats obviously Opinionated. Im talking about what i seen in overall opinions as well, without biased (well sort of :p

Its selling better because:

- The Wii U is competing with 2 other consoles, while the Vita is only 1 ( not counting the smartphone biz )
- The PSVita has released earlier = More games came out and more attention that it has gotten + its much cheaper because its been out longer

Pocky Lover Boy! 

sabvre42 said:

Just to point out... the vita 2000 was released in Q2 (calendar) 2014. It was bundled with Borderlands 2.

Theres also the PS TV which usually gets agregated into vita sales.

And in terms of support.... the Vita gets weekly releases, and 2 free games a month from your PS+ sub, and most importantly is 1,000,000x better than the gamepad for remote play.

Except when it comes to minor things like latency and framerate...

tbone51 said:
Aerys said:
Vita has a better library, much more games, simple.

Wii U has almost no 3rd party support

In terms of Quantity, Vita kills WiiU because of third party (Mostly Japan) but tbf It has non existent 1st Party and most of its games that arent Japanese niche or MH type of games are water downed ports like XC:3D.

That said it has huge indie support and a huge catalog. Great HW overall, but i think WiiU delivers a little more with Quality games, but thats obviously Opinionated. Im talking about what i seen in overall opinions as well, without biased (well sort of :p

Niether of the bolded are true. While Sony as of late haven't released tons of games for it, the first 2 years were full of Sony releases. It got games from known franchises Like Uncharted, Wipeout, Modnation, Resistance, LittleBigPlanet, Sly Cooper, Killzone, and even Oreshika. It got HD collections from Jak and Daxter, God of War, Ratchet and Clank, and Sly Cooper. It got New IPs like Little Deviants, Unit 13, Gravity Rush, Smart As, PlayStation All-Stars, Soul Sacrifice, Tearaway, and Freedom Wars. Now games like Little Deviants and Resistance didn't turn out the best but Sony still put up the money for their development.

Also games like Killzone Mercenary, LittleBigPlanet Vita, and the holy grail Persona 4 Golden are considered to actually be better than their console counterparts. While games like Sly Copper TiTS, Dragon's Crown, Final Fantasy X/X-2, and PlayStation All-Stars are just as good as the console versions.

PSN: extremeM

PlayStation Vita Japanese Software Sales (Media Create Physical/ Famitsu Digital)