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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Official E3 Microsoft Conference 2015- IT HAPPENED!!! Rate the conference- Post your thoughts!!!


Rate the conference!

10 40 14.87%
9 35 13.01%
8 46 17.10%
7 60 22.30%
6 38 14.13%
5 19 7.06%
4 4 1.49%
3 5 1.86%
2 2 0.74%
1 18 6.69%

Not bad. 6.5/10. Cool megaton, expected games. But don't care for hololens. I'd be really excited for the BC if I had an Xbox 360 and some games I'd like to play on the X1.

Around the Network

8/10 for me. Keep it up Xbox!

Normchacho said:
That was good, nearly everything leaked ahead of time though. So not many surprises.

The leaks pretty much happened to everyone. I don't expect a lot out of Sony, EA, or Ubisoft either because of them. 

7/10. Good show.

Disappointed with the campaign reveals for Halo 5 and Gears 4. Too much indie and the multiplatform games were not to my liking.

TR looked great and so did Forza 6. Nothing mind blowing though, even though the games will certainly be outstanding.

They should have pushed some of those indie games to Gamecom, and showed off some of the stuff they planned at Gamescom...

I liked their conference last year better, not bad, but a little underwhelming.

BC, Rare collection were the two big ones for me. Tomb Raider and Gears did look amazing!">"><img src="

Around the Network

What's Game Theorist doing there? :O

Pretty decent conference.


Low Points:
-That whole middle segment

I'd say.... 7/10?

OK conference. Won't be enough to stop MS getting steamrolled by Sony though. That Rare game was really underwhelming. 

No COD...Looks like Sony has the marketing.

Bet with Adamblaziken:

I bet that on launch the Nintendo Switch will have no built in in-game voice chat. He bets that it will. The winner gets six months of avatar control over the other user.

I thought it was a pretty good conference. The beginning and end was pretty good, but the middle dragged.

I'd give it 7/10.