Doesn't matter what you count and don't count. None of it matters at all.
In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank
Doesn't matter what you count and don't count. None of it matters at all.
In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank
tbone51 said:
Yeah, lol true.
Really does show that Nintendo domination. Actually thought DK would be at least high 80's, but it's only 83.... I never understood the critics with that game.
Played all those 4 games, except Bayo 2.">"><img src="
IkePoR said:
Ports and remakes seem like fair game; they're easily rated and often overrated due to stigma(imagine the shitstorm if reviewers dug at TLOU:R), stigma due to nostalgia and social media but I digres. PC games and Indies are legit and need to be accounted for. To be honest that would help the OP's - who is obviously pro Nintendo - argument: "indies and whoever made the PC games that are 90+ are better at the metacritic thingy than Sony and MS!" |
Thank you for first paragraph.
As for the second...
1. If i added Indies for this gen, i add more nintendo games, also not pro anything. I made several Metacritic threads. Here is the best of this year (includes PC+Indies, your welcome :)
2. I didn't count pc, cuz i cant technically tell wat a last gen vs current gen pc game is? XD
3. Not arguing making conversation :0
I am actually okay with the way you measured stuff. In a year or three this will change, but right now it is painfully obvious that certain companies need to bring up Quality Control (looking at you Ubisoft the most) when it comes to releasing games.
Dr.Henry_Killinger said: Doesn't matter what you count and don't count. None of it matters at all. |
An expected response from you "Doctor". And I suppose you see us as mere puppets in your grandstand play, hmmm?!
"You should be banned. Youre clearly flaming the president and even his brother who you know nothing about. Dont be such a partisan hack"
IkePoR said:
An expected response from you "Doctor". And do you see us as mere puppets in your grandstand play, hmmm?! |
All will be made clear in due time.
In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank
So can we now stop complaining about anti-Nintendo bias in reviews of their games?
~Well excluding handheld games. (and Nintendo) Lets Analyze this shall we...?
Your quota locks away the best versions of games like The Last of Us or The Walking Dead, By the way, is Telltale considered indy? What is your distinction between indy and acceptable?
LMAO yes exclude TLOuR cause it out ranks all you have lol.
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