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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Nintendo Just Insulted the Entire Video Game Industry

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Dgc1808 said:
He thinks the other consoles have largely boring collections.

According to the article, Miyamoto said: "What the other companies are doing makes business sense, but it’s boring. The same games appear on every system."

The last sentence leads me to believe that Miyamoto thinks the fact that the PS4 and X1's libraries are too similar so much so as to find it boring. In the first sentence, he calls the actions of Microsoft and Sony, having the same games on their consoles, boring. I don't think this is the same as calling a particular library boring.

Of course, his statements had to go through a translator throwing a monkey wrench into our attempts to try to understand what Miyamoto meant by his words.


I have a migraine.

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KLAMarine said:
Dgc1808 said:
He thinks the other consoles have largely boring collections.

According to the article, Miyamoto said: "What the other companies are doing makes business sense, but it’s boring. The same games appear on every system."

The last sentence leads me to believe that Miyamoto thinks the fact that the PS4 and X1's libraries are too similar so much so as to find it boring. In the first sentence, he calls the actions of Microsoft and Sony, having the same games on their consoles, boring. I don't think this is the same as calling a particular library boring.

Of course, his statements had to go through a translator throwing a monkey wrench into our attempts to try to understand what Miyamoto meant by his words.


I have a migraine.

In that case, he's definitely not an insult.

4 ≈ One

d21lewis said:
In school, there was this nerdy kid name...uh....Flewis. He said something like "I hear his mom was a dentist." No ill intentions, mind you. Anyway, some other kid was bored and went up to the kid whose mom was a dentist (We'll call him "Darren") and said, "Flewis is talking about your mama!"

Darren was pretty stupid. Quick to jump to a conclusion without really making any attempt to find context. He felt that his beloved mother was under attack and he had to defend her honor. He walked right up to Flewis and punched him in the dick.

The whole thing could have been avoided. Anyway, the story has a happy ending. Flewis's penis grew like two times the size of the average penis and girls loved him and he owned all of the consoles and he hung out with Batman. Darren died from butt cancer.

Thank you for reading my fan fiction!!

11/10 my fav bit was when the Zombies came!

Why not check me out on youtube and help me on the way to 2k subs over at

he is admitting what nintendo does doesnt make sense on market.

Sensationalist, moral outrage style clickbait headline; a prime example of how utterly shitty game journalism is.
Tabloid journalism has integrity and professionalism by comparison.

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Oh look an another poorly spelled and thought out N4G fanboy article. YAWN!!!!!