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Forums - Sales Discussion - Amazon US Monthly bestsellers tracking thread November - Updated 29/11 - GTAV bundle in at 17

#3 - Assassin's Creed Bundle

#17 - PS4 Black Friday GTAV + TLoUR 

#20 - PS4

#56 - Ass Creed w/ Kinect

#65 - Destiny PS4

#70 - CoD Bundle

I will update regularly throughout the month



Amazon weekly best sellers - November 3rd:

#10 - Assassin's Creed Unity Xbox One

#15 - PS4

#19 - CoD Xbox One

#30 - Xbox One

#39 - Destiny PS4

#43 - Assassin's Creed Unity Xbox One with Kinect


Amazon weekly November 10th:

#6 Assassin's Creed Unity Xbox One

#15 PS4

#44 CoD Xbox One

#48 Assassin's Creed Unity X1 with Kinect

#51 Destiny PS4


Amazon weekly 17th November

#11 Assassin's Creed Unity X1

#14 Ps4

#45 Ps4 Destiny

 #55 Xb1 Kinect Asassins Creed

 #99 Xb1 Cod


Amazon weekly 24th November:

#2 XBO w/ ACU

#4 PS4 Black Friday GTAV

#46 PS4 Black Friday Lego Batman

#54 PS4


#92 PS4 w/ Destiny

Around the Network

The more it sells, the more they lose. The percentage of market share they may gain by doing this in the short run won't justify the loss.

mutantclown said:
The more it sells, the more they lose. The percentage of market share they may gain by doing this in the short run won't justify the loss.

They make more money from Live, accessories etc anyway, just like Sony

I've had this going since the price drop:

mutantclown said:
The more it sells, the more they lose. The percentage of market share they may gain by doing this in the short run won't justify the loss.

I believe they know better than you do about that (bold) :)
More marketshare = more game, live, accessory sales = more money at the end...

Around the Network

There are already several threads on this already.....

Sorry, i though the other threads were all based on hourly

if there are other threads that are the same purpose than please lock the thread

There is no monthly November thread celador. Those are all hourly and yearly.

Xbox One bundles holding well so far, only seem to drop when out of stock

mutantclown said:
The more it sells, the more they lose. The percentage of market share they may gain by doing this in the short run won't justify the loss.

If only that were true...

THis early in the generation, if the gap between the systems total sales gets any bigger, M$ knows that they are done.  Like everyone comments around here a lot about, when everyone's friend has a PS4 - everyone else will want a PS4 to play all of the games with.  M$ knows this all to well.  So, they are dropping short term profit for long term viability in the console market.  If the XB1 can get to parity with the PS4 in the US, that will be a win in the long term for M$.  Of course, they will try to actually push to get a sales advantage over time in the US.  

Based on the fact that they have NOT extentended the promotions throughout the world, they have decided to not take a total loss.  

It is near the end of the end....