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Forums - Sony Discussion - AC: Unity PS4 Leaked (aka I Hate Sub-1080p Blurriness)

ethomaz said:

Wright said:

Eh, issues are everywhere. I've always wanted to visit South America, since it looks like a beautiful and cultural place!


Argentina comes first, though, I'm afraid :P

Brazil >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Paraguay > Argentina


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RolStoppable said:
It's not the blur that is the problem, the graphics aren't good to begin with.

^ This

The textures are flat, the shading is dire...and then you have the naff resolution. After watching the Star Citizen fps showcase this morning, I am so glad I did not invest in a console as it looks like it will be a generation of getting screwed by the big publishers every so many months.

The leaks give a explanation...

Copy from GAF.


Today The person who leaked the videos and screenshots yesterday of the PS4 version of Assassin's Creed Unity provided some much needed clarification on the screenshots that he leaked yesterday. With all the fud and hyperbole the person couldn't just sit there and watch. Here's what they had to say.

The images have been around the web. I see them all over again on foreign websites. Just like the video. It's a bit out of control ... and it saddens me a bit... 

The problem is that I see people tearing and criticize the game (especially on NeoGAF) and it becomes ridiculous. Some even wonder if the images were retouched. As they quote and translate my posts, I want to say that the images are taken directly from the screenshot function of the PS4 and that function deteriorates - a little - the images ... As I often take screenshots with FRAPS when I am gaming in 4K resolution, I can tell that the screenshot function of the PS4 is not very good. 

You have to know that the game is much better/beautiful when moving as shown in the videos. So, yes there are times when it's a bit ugly and others where it is very beautiful. You must understand that Ubisoft had to make a compromise between graphics and falling population density + animations streets and plenty of small details. When you will have your copy of the game and after you take a step back, you will realize that this game is really innovative in its way. I have never seen so many people, so many little animations and when I let the controller and listen to the conversations of the NPC, I can not imagine all the work that there is behind. 

Paris is huge, vibrant and deep and it is a success. Perhaps we will be entitled to a day one patch too. 

Well yes Ubisoft LIED on screenshots posted and published videos so far and it does not hesitate to criticize them. And the big point is the low quality textures in the distance. 

But this game is still beautiful, lively and really fun to play. I know the graphics are important to many people, but please guys... Ubisoft gives us an AC in France, in Paris during the French Revolution, be happy and enjoy the game... 

If someone from NeoGAF see my post, thank you to transcribe my remarks to temper some people's reactions - sometimes irrational -. AC Unity is a good game and I think people who already have it, can confirm. 

- For the "graphic gamer" : I play very often on a 4K TV 140cm with SLI Titan and yet I find that this an interesting game graphically speaking. It is limited by a 400 euros hardware so we must also take this into account. And frankly this game is an excellent value for money. 

Thank you for reading my post.


Damage PR control? I don't know... and even with the Share downgrade in the pics it is yet last-gen unglu and blurry.

Intrinsic said:
dane007 said:
WebMasterFlex said:

You are too much an AC's VIP to admit that game is ugly. GTA V destroyed it.

The e-thomaz screenshots are ugly. That's a fact...

lol nah. i actually got bored if AC black flag. i still haven't finished . i have only played all of the AC up to the civil war one. haven't played ac one on the vita .  I can bet that  the graphics of GTA will just a sharper ps3 or xbox 360 like TLOU wa s a sharper ps3 version. it won't look next gen at all.  the pics make not look good, howwever its not the final reprsentation of the game when it comes out. As i have said no one knows how old the build is for these pics. 

You just seem to be saying a whole lot of nothing.

Those pics are from the retail copy of the game running on the PS4. from someone that got a copy earlier than everyone else. Its not a demo build or an alpha build. its a RETAIL build on a RETAIL disc.

Yes, the game may/will look better in motion. Yes, the pics may not have been properly taken. But to say there isn't an obvious difference between it and what they have been showing in their press releases is to be practicing denial of a magnitude I would probably never comprehend.

The problem is, that this seems to have become a very common ubisoft trend. 

where does it says its a retial game. it said from the article that its beleived to be taken from the PS4.  Do you knwo who leaked the pics ? Heres teh link showing it running in motio Its not bad at all. it looks quite nice and certianly better looking then black flag. Lol did you and many ggamers beleive that consoles like ps4 and xbox one would be able to run the game to that visual fidelity with those specs? I knew the game will never  come close to those graphics. I always thought it was too good to be true

ethomaz said:

The leaks give a explanation...

Copy from GAF.


Today The person who leaked the videos and screenshots yesterday of the PS4 version of Assassin's Creed Unity provided some much needed clarification on the screenshots that he leaked yesterday. With all the fud and hyperbole the person couldn't just sit there and watch. Here's what they had to say.

The images have been around the web. I see them all over again on foreign websites. Just like the video. It's a bit out of control ... and it saddens me a bit... 

The problem is that I see people tearing and criticize the game (especially on NeoGAF) and it becomes ridiculous. Some even wonder if the images were retouched. As they quote and translate my posts, I want to say that the images are taken directly from the screenshot function of the PS4 and that function deteriorates - a little - the images ... As I often take screenshots with FRAPS when I am gaming in 4K resolution, I can tell that the screenshot function of the PS4 is not very good. 

You have to know that the game is much better/beautiful when moving as shown in the videos. So, yes there are times when it's a bit ugly and others where it is very beautiful. You must understand that Ubisoft had to make a compromise between graphics and falling population density + animations streets and plenty of small details. When you will have your copy of the game and after you take a step back, you will realize that this game is really innovative in its way. I have never seen so many people, so many little animations and when I let the controller and listen to the conversations of the NPC, I can not imagine all the work that there is behind. 

Paris is huge, vibrant and deep and it is a success. Perhaps we will be entitled to a day one patch too. 

Well yes Ubisoft LIED on screenshots posted and published videos so far and it does not hesitate to criticize them. And the big point is the low quality textures in the distance. 

But this game is still beautiful, lively and really fun to play. I know the graphics are important to many people, but please guys... Ubisoft gives us an AC in France, in Paris during the French Revolution, be happy and enjoy the game... 

If someone from NeoGAF see my post, thank you to transcribe my remarks to temper some people's reactions - sometimes irrational -. AC Unity is a good game and I think people who already have it, can confirm. 

- For the "graphic gamer" : I play very often on a 4K TV 140cm with SLI Titan and yet I find that this an interesting game graphically speaking. It is limited by a 400 euros hardware so we must also take this into account. And frankly this game is an excellent value for money. 

Thank you for reading my post.


Damage PR control? I don't know... and even with the Share downgrade in the pics it is yet last-gen unglu and blurry. this is one minute gameplay video. Last gen graphics? Lol you wish ps3 and 360 could do those graphics. 

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Well I'm going to play the game 900p or not

I just hope there's another day 1 patch

ethomaz said:

dane007 said:

first of all i have black flag and no  wy black flag looks better then that. Secondly , do you know for certain how is the build shown in the picure?. I don't se anythign wrong with it. its not bad and there are very nice looking 900p games that look very sharp. heck if gamers couldn't tell KZ multiuplayer then reolution of whether 900 and 1080p resolution debate is mute

Black Flag looks better IMO... even the character are better.

And Killzone is a perfect example is how non-1080p damaged the overall presentation and people complained about without even know about that.

At Killzone launch the most talked thing was the game was terrible blurry in MP but the output image was always native 1080p... so we gamers thought it was because the bad use of FXAA that caused the blurriness... it was really bad how blurry MP is. After that Eurogamer asked to devs and finaly was told that the native 1080p image were created using one actual frame in 960p + 2 old frames renderended in the past... so they created the native 1080p image redering a 960p image plus two others 960p imaged rendered in the past (temporal)... so all makes sense.

That why people complained about how it was blurry... you can look launch threads and looks for all post saying how MP was terrible blurry compared to SP... with shared pics for comparision.

Thanks to remember a valid example... Killzone is a example in how people can see the presentation is odd even when they are tricked with a temportal 1080p... now imagine a native upscale that looks even more blurry.

at that time no one knew it was less then 1080p. Everyoen thought it was 1080p with 60 frames. This as before it got revelead.  Post a pic from your AC black flag on Ps4?. would liek to see it and compare to what you have posted up for unity .  Lol i am more for the fun of th e game rather then the resolution of the game. Hope as well the the fraerate is 30 as well and doesn't slow down alot lol. 

dane007 said:
ethomaz said:

dane007 said:

first of all i have black flag and no  wy black flag looks better then that. Secondly , do you know for certain how is the build shown in the picure?. I don't se anythign wrong with it. its not bad and there are very nice looking 900p games that look very sharp. heck if gamers couldn't tell KZ multiuplayer then reolution of whether 900 and 1080p resolution debate is mute

Black Flag looks better IMO... even the character are better.

And Killzone is a perfect example is how non-1080p damaged the overall presentation and people complained about without even know about that.

At Killzone launch the most talked thing was the game was terrible blurry in MP but the output image was always native 1080p... so we gamers thought it was because the bad use of FXAA that caused the blurriness... it was really bad how blurry MP is. After that Eurogamer asked to devs and finaly was told that the native 1080p image were created using one actual frame in 960p + 2 old frames renderended in the past... so they created the native 1080p image redering a 960p image plus two others 960p imaged rendered in the past (temporal)... so all makes sense.

That why people complained about how it was blurry... you can look launch threads and looks for all post saying how MP was terrible blurry compared to SP... with shared pics for comparision.

Thanks to remember a valid example... Killzone is a example in how people can see the presentation is odd even when they are tricked with a temportal 1080p... now imagine a native upscale that looks even more blurry.

at that time no one knew it was less then 1080p. Everyoen thought it was 1080p with 60 frames. This as before it got revelead.  Post a pic from your AC black flag on Ps4?. would liek to see it and compare to what you have posted up for unity .  Lol i am more for the fun of th e game rather then the resolution of the game. Hope as well the the fraerate is 30 as well and doesn't slow down alot lol. 

I'm on phone now... not home but I will post later.

Nobody knew about Killzone output native 1080p image... how it is created is the trick... all guys said it was 1080p (true) but blamed the bad FXAA use due the bluriness... after the devs said it had a trick to mount the native 1080p image everybody understood why it was so blurry.

Compare KZ SP with MP to see how bad the render in 960p to trick the native 1080p image did to the game.

That is the perfect exemple that devs needs to stop with this sub-1080p bullshit.

Even Crytek with Ruse made a blurry game due 900p.

ethomaz said:

dane007 said:

The world of infamous is smalle compaerd to Ac Purity plus the amount of npc in an rea in infamous is tiy. At times it feels lifeless. i played game an dfinished being good. In terms of TLOU. it look slightly better then the ps3 version. graphics is not really next gen and the worl is small compared to AC and teh number of AI is tiny therefore its easier to hit 0180p.

You know any of these game render the full open world but only a small part of it... big or small open world didn't matter for redenring but how you smart render the parts of your game while you are moving... so a open world game 100x bigger than another won't matter if your are using the same code to smart predict the next part to be rendered and the part that will put on trash.

You TLOUR comment is biased... tell me what game is better graphicly than TLOUR? You will find few examples... AC for example is not... it is not even close.

And AI have nothing to do with rendering 1080... don't fall in the bullshit that Ubisoft told to you to try to "defense" the parity... AI affect only framerate.

in terms of open world at th emoment? I  would say infamous second son, shadow of mordor, destiny. Non open world game -- metro redux,  ryseTombe raider  definitive edition to name a few. NOt biased, the game was very good. i enjoyed playing it. Its not ugly but you can see the ps3 textures in the game an dbecause it a resolution bump, you can see irt very clearly. For me what stood out the most was the cut scenes which graphics when joel and ellie talks. To me it doesn't look like a p4 or an xbox one game , graphically.  Its impressive to have a detailed huge open world with lots of graphical effects and lots of AI in the area which makes the world itself vibrant while maintaining a stable framerate.  exactly if the amount of AI in trhe game couldn't maintain a stable framjrate in 1080p with their engine,, wouldn't it be logical to drop it to 900p to keep stable?

ethomaz said:
dane007 said:
ethomaz said:

dane007 said:

first of all i have black flag and no  wy black flag looks better then that. Secondly , do you know for certain how is the build shown in the picure?. I don't se anythign wrong with it. its not bad and there are very nice looking 900p games that look very sharp. heck if gamers couldn't tell KZ multiuplayer then reolution of whether 900 and 1080p resolution debate is mute

Black Flag looks better IMO... even the character are better.

And Killzone is a perfect example is how non-1080p damaged the overall presentation and people complained about without even know about that.

At Killzone launch the most talked thing was the game was terrible blurry in MP but the output image was always native 1080p... so we gamers thought it was because the bad use of FXAA that caused the blurriness... it was really bad how blurry MP is. After that Eurogamer asked to devs and finaly was told that the native 1080p image were created using one actual frame in 960p + 2 old frames renderended in the past... so they created the native 1080p image redering a 960p image plus two others 960p imaged rendered in the past (temporal)... so all makes sense.

That why people complained about how it was blurry... you can look launch threads and looks for all post saying how MP was terrible blurry compared to SP... with shared pics for comparision.

Thanks to remember a valid example... Killzone is a example in how people can see the presentation is odd even when they are tricked with a temportal 1080p... now imagine a native upscale that looks even more blurry.

at that time no one knew it was less then 1080p. Everyoen thought it was 1080p with 60 frames. This as before it got revelead.  Post a pic from your AC black flag on Ps4?. would liek to see it and compare to what you have posted up for unity .  Lol i am more for the fun of th e game rather then the resolution of the game. Hope as well the the fraerate is 30 as well and doesn't slow down alot lol. 

I'm on phone now... not home but I will post later.

Nobody knew about Killzone output native 1080p image... how it is created is the trick... all guys said it was 1080p (true) but blamed the bad FXAA use due the bluriness... after the devs said it had a trick to mount the native 1080p image everybody understood why it was so blurry.

Compare KZ SP with MP to see how bad the render in 960p to trick the native 1080p image did to the game.

That is the perfect exemple that devs needs to stop with this sub-1080p bullshit.

Even Crytek with Ruse made a blurry game due 900p.

Yea i remeber that as peopel wer eboasting how awesome it it to have a 1080p game ratehr then a 900p ryse lol. ryse and sunset overdrive are the two sharpest 900p games i have played lol. i was more impressed with ryse on hwo sharp it looked at launch a nd the same with sunset overdrive . That game is incredible sharp fro a open world 900p game.