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ethomaz said:
dane007 said:
ethomaz said:

dane007 said:

first of all i have black flag and no  wy black flag looks better then that. Secondly , do you know for certain how is the build shown in the picure?. I don't se anythign wrong with it. its not bad and there are very nice looking 900p games that look very sharp. heck if gamers couldn't tell KZ multiuplayer then reolution of whether 900 and 1080p resolution debate is mute

Black Flag looks better IMO... even the character are better.

And Killzone is a perfect example is how non-1080p damaged the overall presentation and people complained about without even know about that.

At Killzone launch the most talked thing was the game was terrible blurry in MP but the output image was always native 1080p... so we gamers thought it was because the bad use of FXAA that caused the blurriness... it was really bad how blurry MP is. After that Eurogamer asked to devs and finaly was told that the native 1080p image were created using one actual frame in 960p + 2 old frames renderended in the past... so they created the native 1080p image redering a 960p image plus two others 960p imaged rendered in the past (temporal)... so all makes sense.

That why people complained about how it was blurry... you can look launch threads and looks for all post saying how MP was terrible blurry compared to SP... with shared pics for comparision.

Thanks to remember a valid example... Killzone is a example in how people can see the presentation is odd even when they are tricked with a temportal 1080p... now imagine a native upscale that looks even more blurry.

at that time no one knew it was less then 1080p. Everyoen thought it was 1080p with 60 frames. This as before it got revelead.  Post a pic from your AC black flag on Ps4?. would liek to see it and compare to what you have posted up for unity .  Lol i am more for the fun of th e game rather then the resolution of the game. Hope as well the the fraerate is 30 as well and doesn't slow down alot lol. 

I'm on phone now... not home but I will post later.

Nobody knew about Killzone output native 1080p image... how it is created is the trick... all guys said it was 1080p (true) but blamed the bad FXAA use due the bluriness... after the devs said it had a trick to mount the native 1080p image everybody understood why it was so blurry.

Compare KZ SP with MP to see how bad the render in 960p to trick the native 1080p image did to the game.

That is the perfect exemple that devs needs to stop with this sub-1080p bullshit.

Even Crytek with Ruse made a blurry game due 900p.

Yea i remeber that as peopel wer eboasting how awesome it it to have a 1080p game ratehr then a 900p ryse lol. ryse and sunset overdrive are the two sharpest 900p games i have played lol. i was more impressed with ryse on hwo sharp it looked at launch a nd the same with sunset overdrive . That game is incredible sharp fro a open world 900p game.