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Forums - Gaming Discussion - It's Official-ish, PS4 Has the Best Games Lineup for New Gen Home Consoles this Holidays

Is this a joke thread? I thought at first it was, but now I'm not so sure.

If it is a joke thread, disregard the following question:

Is it your contention that Metacritic scores are objective indicators of quality? In other words, a game with a Metacritic score of 90 is, by definition, better than a game with a Metacritic score of 89? And that a game with a score of 70, however popular and beloved, is a poor game? Are you saying, in the end, that our own personal evaluations of individual games are immaterial, and, by extension, all the debates on this forum are pointless?

Or are you just messing with us?

P.S. Velocity 2X isn't a new IP.

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Get ready OP. You have no idea the mental gymnastics certain people on this forum go through in order to discount the entire PS4 library.

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!

Yet another Metacraptic thread?


On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.

In 2015 certainly, but for now, it's the same almost empty list of exclusives than X1. And Wii U has the best ( the opposite would be worrying for a 2 years old console )

Predictions for end of 2014 HW sales:

 PS4: 17m   XB1: 10m    WiiU: 10m   Vita: 10m


Simply amazing. Hey, total library vs total library. What's there to complain about?

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d21lewis said:
Simply amazing. Hey, total library vs total library. What's there to complain about?

only rated total libary vs total libary (not even sure, if this is a complete list)
because many games arent rated on all platform or rated at all


thats why i  asked what this list is all about. i still wait for my answer

1st Xbox One
2nd Wii U
3rd PS4

IMO of course.

bubblegamer said:
Well we knew this already, but since now it's official let's just wait and see which categories some people will come up with in reaction to such a thing. It's quite amusig to see goals shift and heads spin.

Why is it you like acting superior to other people? You act like this in every thread I see you in.

Bet with Xander XT: 

I can beat more games on his 3DS than he can on my PSVita in a month. Loser has to buy the winner a game on his/her handheld Guess who won?


The_Sony_Girl1 said:
bubblegamer said:
Well we knew this already, but since now it's official let's just wait and see which categories some people will come up with in reaction to such a thing. It's quite amusig to see goals shift and heads spin.

Why is it you like acting superior to other people? You act like this in every thread I see you in.

Why is it you make the same comment over and over? Why is it you call yourself a Sony girl and yet constantly whine about PS games? Why is it you want me to add you to my friendslist?

prinz_valium said:
d21lewis said:
Simply amazing. Hey, total library vs total library. What's there to complain about?

only rated total libary vs total libary (not even sure, if this is a complete list)
because many games arent rated on all platform or rated at all


thats why i  asked what this list is all about. i still wait for my answer

Cause the other thread got locked
I will save that for future necrobumps too
The X1 won't outsell the PS4 with the 350$ Stuff
And no - Im not talking about stupid "USA Only" - There is a damn whole world and this is the ONLY thing that matters.
Xbox Fans : Herp a derp we came close(or even won by a couple thousand units) in the USA YEEEEEEEEEEAAAH PARTY THE CHANGE IN GAMING
Rational Person : Ähm you still did lose by 1+ Million Units against the PS4 in > time period < cause of Worldwide

Wordlwide is the only thing that matters.
Here Sony will never lose - Not even if they drop the X1 to 200$/€ everywhere and give away 5 games.
Don't try to spin stuff with the "Yeeeah NPD" garbage especially not after like 5 pricecuts and giving away everything for free.