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Forums - Gaming Discussion - It's Official-ish, PS4 Has the Best Games Lineup for New Gen Home Consoles this Holidays

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RolStoppable said:
Wii U has the best lineup. 

It DOES have an awesome lineup and that's why I own one but... it's not very diverse. That's my only complaint. Every first party (as in developed in house) game is family friendly. I love ALL types of games, not JUST the MKs and the Pikmins. 

I think Nintendo is fortunate that Sony hasn't pushed more Slys,Rachets, Bandicoots and Sockboys out there and has instead, shifted to mostly dark mature titles. The moment Sony starts trying to go back to the PS2 era where they had it all? It's going to be hard to compete.

best: wii U.
Unless if the potencial buyer have never had a ps3 or x360.

But if supose this, we have to add the wii games to wii U library because of the backward compatibility. So, wii U wins even for those who skipped 7th gen.

Numbers and perceptions are different things though. Sony needs to work on the perception.

Wii U wins hands down. It has a very good library, just got Bayonetta 2, and will be getting Smash soon. PS4 comes in at 2nd and has a nice library, too. It's just not as diverse and critically positive as the Wii U's yet.

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Silly you. You forgot the cardinal rules for list wars.

Multiplats don't count.
Indies don't count.
Remasters don't count.
Everything below 80 is shit.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

Using Metacritic to judge consoles is like using Wikipedia as a citation in a college essay.

It's a good reference (usually), but far from conclusive, and not something to rely upon.

EDIT: Worth clarifying that "It's a good reference" was referring to Wikipedia. Metacritic is something I really dispise, and I hate how people use it as "evidence" or "proof" in arguments. Just like how someone shouldn't use Wikipeida in an essay.

Sorry for the confusion.

"Never argue with stupid people. They will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience."

-Samuel Clemens

jonathanalis said:
best: wii U.
Unless if the potencial buyer have never had a ps3 or x360.


Right now:

1. Wii U
2. Xbox One
3. PS4


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"You... are not human, are you?"
"Who knows? I'm not even sure myself."
Veknoid_Outcast said:

Is this a joke thread? I thought at first it was, but now I'm not so sure.

If it is a joke thread, disregard the following question:

Is it your contention that Metacritic scores are objective indicators of quality? In other words, a game with a Metacritic score of 90 is, by definition, better than a game with a Metacritic score of 89? And that a game with a score of 70, however popular and beloved, is a poor game? Are you saying, in the end, that our own personal evaluations of individual games are immaterial, and, by extension, all the debates on this forum are pointless?

Or are you just messing with us?

P.S. Velocity 2X isn't a new IP.

Do you not understand metacritic and how it derives the metascore for each game? And do you not understand the meaning of the word objective? It appears from your question that you don't understand either of these things. Let me educate you.

Metacritic derives its score from a weighted average of the scores from reviews it collects. Each review is obviously a subjective assessment of a game based on the views of the critic. The metascore is less subjective than each individual review's score because it is effectively a poll of many different opinions. But less subjective =/= objective. The metascore is more like a probability of whether you will like the game.

Objective means " not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts." This thread is an objective presentation of the best reviewed games that are available on the three new gen home consoles and their respective metascores. Errors caused by laziness or carelessness aside, the list in the OP is completely free from my personal feelings or opinions. I haven't included or excluded any games from consideration based on whether I think they should count.

You will note that in the OP I say "This is as objective as it gets in this industry". Ergo I am saying it is not truly objective. But the fact is, there is nothing more objective available to base an assesment of which console has the best library of games leading in to the holidays.

TBH I should add the 70+ games because I've argued (subjectively obviously) in the past that 70+ games should be regarded as good/great games. For Wii U that's 19 more games, for PS4 that's 25 more games and for Xb one that's 14 more games (that's without making sure all the multiplats are in each list). But as you can see it only adds further weight to the assessment in favour of PS4.

This thread is not so much a joke thread, as bit of a snark at claims PS4 has the lowest quality library among the 3 new gen platforms. While metascore isn't really objective proof that PS4 has the best quality library, it is objective evidence that PS4 has a more than sufficient library of good quality games and it is comparable to the other new gen consoles.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

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