Mr Khan said: 14 bans in the past 24 hours, 13 of them by Conegamer (!) 50 bans in the last 4 days. |
Conemonster* the ban addict
Mr Khan said: 14 bans in the past 24 hours, 13 of them by Conegamer (!) 50 bans in the last 4 days. |
Conemonster* the ban addict
Mr Khan said: 14 bans in the past 24 hours, 13 of them by Conegamer (!) 50 bans in the last 4 days. |
Yeah it was quite the busy day yesterday as I eluded to above. Probably banned more people yesterday than in the previous 30 days in the month!
Can we protest bans here or do we have to PM head mod? (Not my own ban) and actually it's a rule I feel is pretty unfair on decent users usually.
Seece said: Can we protest bans here or do we have to PM head mod? (Not my own ban) and actually it's a rule I feel is pretty unfair on decent users usually. |
It's probably best to PM the mod in question or the head moderator for the most immediate and most detailed response. This is made clear in the OP of the thread, and this isn't really the place to discuss a particular moderation.
Having said that if you articulate your complaint well, and not use it as an excuse to attack the mod in question or the mod team as a whole, and if your points are backed up with facts and evidence, thrn there's nothing stopping you from posting here. You just probably won't get ad immediate or as detailed a response.
Conegamer said:
I have, but it's kinda sad the thread managed to go on for so long without anything happening. I can't be here 24/7, and this whole thread (and yours too, you know) just highlights the issues. Quite simply the thread should have been locked beforehand. I apologize it went on for so long in the first place. |
Indeed, I was at work and read the thread in question on my phone but I had no tools available to do anything about it, but my first instinct was that this needed to be locked. We try to cover the forums all day and night but sometimes there will be an absence of mods and this can happen, sadly.
Thank you, Cone!!!
kowenicki said:
It is. And Gooch was banned for this post.
kowenicki said:
banned for a post 12 hours ago and isnt banned now? some ban. |
That's how it works. The best users get banned for days or longer while the rascals roam free
The One and Only
kowenicki said:
banned for a post 12 hours ago and isnt banned now? some ban. |
That's how the progressive moderation system works. Gooch was banned for a day for that post; if he repeats it again then he will get 3 days, again 5 or 7 etc. The system is there to punish repeat offenders for the same crime; it's not a perfect system but it's the one we use and it's been the same for quite some time. If Gooch doesn't have a mod history, I can't skip to a 14 day ban because of the post that's not fair (and whether or not he should be moderated for other posts; that's another matter to not be discussed here).
I would also like to use this chance to again remind people of the rules in the OP, namely:
Mr Khan said: 14 bans in the past 24 hours, 13 of them by Conegamer (!) 50 bans in the last 4 days. |
It will go down in history as "The Halloween Banning Streak".
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