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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Microsoft Nearing Deal To Purchase Minecraft for $2 Billion CNBC Reports

true_fan said:
Maybe I'm incredibly mistaken, but I see the same people saying the same things. Did everyone just all of a sudden forget Microsoft Studios announced 6, SIX, SECHS, SEIS internal studios less than 1 month ago. Does that not count as investing internally. I guess MSFT isn't allowed to make acquisitions.

We don't even know what type of studios they are. I didn't even see Microsoft themselves make a big deal out of it, so I'm assuming they are pretty small teams.

Also another complaint here that this could lead to people who don't own a Microsoft device to lose an IP (similar to the game Rise of the Tomb Raider), while others normally acquire studios which are already exclusive.

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NYCrysis said:
Take-two who owns Rockstar and the GTA franchise has a market cap/share of $2 billion. that should put things into perspective.

So why and how can minecraft be worth 2 billion?
It's name. Minecraft is MEGA popular and the value is in its name. From Merchandising to events is where MC makes a lot of its money.
Employees? Good visionary brains I assume they could potentially make another big hit or Minecraft could be a 1hitwonder.

To Microsoft:
Can move a potential HUGE base to its devices windows/mobile/xbox with a Sequal.

like i said.

they should buy them :D


but maybe the point is: minecraft is cheap to develop

and the name is associated with other things than just console gaming

its a big mobile game. still not sure about this


whatever. they have tons of moey. invest ist...

I think we should add "buy Mojang" to the chalkboard.

DerNebel said:

Ok let me treat this as more than a rumor (which is all I think it is for now) for a second. I have 2 questions

1. Mojang made $129 million in profit last year, how in the world is that studio worth even close to $2 billion?

2. How greedy would taking this offer make Mojang? They have a still uber successful product, they are independent and they've already made more money than they could ever spend, what would they need those $2 billion for?


2) Very, and probably a bit stupid also (EDIT: they could use the money to buy Sony)


true_fan said:
Maybe I'm incredibly mistaken, but I see the same people saying the same things. Did everyone just all of a sudden forget Microsoft Studios announced 6, SIX, SECHS, SEIS internal studios less than 1 month ago. Does that not count as investing internally. I guess MSFT isn't allowed to make acquisitions.

Yeah and we see you continuing to defend a rumoured acquisition that you will not benefit from in the slightest at all. This would once again be one of those acquisitions that would, if at all (since $2 billion is way too much for this) only help one party out there: MS.

This wouldnt add anything to gaming, it would only take things away from a lot of gamers.

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I won't believe it until there's a better source...
And why are they worth $2 billion?

Oh shit!

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What's the point though? Seems like a waste of money.


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

Wonder how much they could get FIFA for off EA? Now THAT would be a game-changing acquisition

They could fund atleast 10 huge new AAA projects with that kind of money, please don't tell me this is true. Seriously if MS starts moneyhatting this too i'm going Apple.