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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Pachter: "There is no place for Nintendo hardware". Thoughts?

Burek said:
A lot of people, Pachter included, think of WiiU as competition to X1/PS4. I think that they are wrong, WiiU is complementary to those two consoles, and is generally after a different target market.
People looking for more mature, third party offerings will hardly ever consider buying WiiU, and need to wileigh pros and cons of the other two. That's why MS and Sony act and advertise in such a manner. Others, looking for more specific titles, will go to WiiU, and Nintendo basically has no competition in that field.
Sure, such market is smaller by comparison, but is still viable in the long run.

I liken those to food: MS and Sony operate restaurants, offering soups, meat, fish, pasta, vegetables etc, they get a lot of traffic and make money, but they constantly need to advertise and change menus in order to attract consumers to their side of the street.
Nintendo is a pastry/icecream shop. Sure, you can have some sweets over at MS/Sony, but they are usually generic, while Nintendo has a sweet of every flavor. Some people will visit them after their meal for some quality dessert, some will only eat sweets even without eating in restaurants. And sure, less traffic will be there, but still at a nice profit, instead of closing the store and simply taking a cut from delivering icecream to the restaurants.

There is a place for Nintendo hardware in the current market. And I believe Nintendo knows that as well, therefore they keep plugging along, humming to their own tune, without regard to the other two. And they'll be just fine.

That is a very fitting comparison. Thank you.

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

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Mnementh said:
Burek said:
A lot of people, Pachter included, think of WiiU as competition to X1/PS4. I think that they are wrong, WiiU is complementary to those two consoles, and is generally after a different target market.
People looking for more mature, third party offerings will hardly ever consider buying WiiU, and need to wileigh pros and cons of the other two. That's why MS and Sony act and advertise in such a manner. Others, looking for more specific titles, will go to WiiU, and Nintendo basically has no competition in that field.
Sure, such market is smaller by comparison, but is still viable in the long run.

I liken those to food: MS and Sony operate restaurants, offering soups, meat, fish, pasta, vegetables etc, they get a lot of traffic and make money, but they constantly need to advertise and change menus in order to attract consumers to their side of the street.
Nintendo is a pastry/icecream shop. Sure, you can have some sweets over at MS/Sony, but they are usually generic, while Nintendo has a sweet of every flavor. Some people will visit them after their meal for some quality dessert, some will only eat sweets even without eating in restaurants. And sure, less traffic will be there, but still at a nice profit, instead of closing the store and simply taking a cut from delivering icecream to the restaurants.

There is a place for Nintendo hardware in the current market. And I believe Nintendo knows that as well, therefore they keep plugging along, humming to their own tune, without regard to the other two. And they'll be just fine.

That is a very fitting comparison. Thank you.

It is very fitting except for the fact that most people can afford to go to a restaurant and then end the night at the pastry shop. Multiple console ownership can easily amount to 600-700 dollars easily excluding the cost of games. 

So no, most people can't afford to buy a Nintendo console just for the so called "privilege" of sampling Nintendo software. 

reggin_bolas said:
Guys there is no such thing as a complimentary console or a secondary console. That's anti-consumerism. Companies shouldn't force you to buy more than one to play your favorite games.

Would it make sense for you to buy a Mac and a PC to play different computer-based games? No it doesn't.

Nintendo is becoming obsolete and irrelevant in the hardware industry.

You've got it backwards. Buying more is consumerism, buying less is anti.

RolStoppable said:
...and the port-begging continues.

That's what I thought reading through this thread. many here seem to keen playing Nintendo-games, as often as it is suggested Nintendo should go 3rd-party. Funnily, wouldn't sony make more money on Uncharted and MS more money on Forza, if these games would be multiplat? Sony and MS should go third-party. An anonymous tech-company should create the hardware but no games at all. That seems to be the idea of some posters here.

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023

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reggin_bolas said:
Mnementh said:
Burek said:
A lot of people, Pachter included, think of WiiU as competition to X1/PS4. I think that they are wrong, WiiU is complementary to those two consoles, and is generally after a different target market.
People looking for more mature, third party offerings will hardly ever consider buying WiiU, and need to wileigh pros and cons of the other two. That's why MS and Sony act and advertise in such a manner. Others, looking for more specific titles, will go to WiiU, and Nintendo basically has no competition in that field.
Sure, such market is smaller by comparison, but is still viable in the long run.

I liken those to food: MS and Sony operate restaurants, offering soups, meat, fish, pasta, vegetables etc, they get a lot of traffic and make money, but they constantly need to advertise and change menus in order to attract consumers to their side of the street.
Nintendo is a pastry/icecream shop. Sure, you can have some sweets over at MS/Sony, but they are usually generic, while Nintendo has a sweet of every flavor. Some people will visit them after their meal for some quality dessert, some will only eat sweets even without eating in restaurants. And sure, less traffic will be there, but still at a nice profit, instead of closing the store and simply taking a cut from delivering icecream to the restaurants.

There is a place for Nintendo hardware in the current market. And I believe Nintendo knows that as well, therefore they keep plugging along, humming to their own tune, without regard to the other two. And they'll be just fine.

That is a very fitting comparison. Thank you.

It is very fitting except for the fact that most people can afford to go to a restaurant and then end the night at the pastry shop. Multiple console ownership can easily amount to 600-700 dollars easily excluding the cost of games. 

So no, most people can't afford to buy a Nintendo console just for the so called "privilege" of sampling Nintendo software. 

But the same is true for Uncharted or Forza. Should I buy an expensive console, only to sample these games? Sony and MS should go 3rd-party too.

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023

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Zekkyou said:
I half agree with him in regards to the WiiU. It's becoming progressively more and more a Nintendo only system, with only a select few major none Nintendo made or funded titles finding their way onto it.

A large chunk of the core market enjoy Nintendo games, but as we can see with the WiiU not many (relative to the market size) are willing to buy an entire console for the games of 1 publisher. That combined with their lack of proper utilization of the WiiU Pad does bring into question the need for the console itself.

That said, i wouldn't want them to stop. They might fall flat on their faces sometimes (WiiU and GC), but other times they make something interesting or new (N64 and Wii). They add a little bit of spice to the industry that gives Sony and MS a second dynamic to consider when making major decisions.

I wouldn't say that not many are willing to buy a console just for the games of one publisher. It's true that for most core gamers their first priority will be to purchase an xbox one or a ps4. But it takes time for them to get to the point of buying that additional console. The longer the Xbox one and ps4 for have been out and the more they sell the more people will become primed to purchase a wiiu. You typically don't spend $500 dollars on an xbox one or ps4 and then one week later go out and buy a wiiu. But after you've recovered financially and are looking for more options in terms of quality games to purchase at this point someone looks to the wiiu. And this is we are seeing an increased demand for Wiiu consoles. As time passes and the Wiiu library becomes more and more robust and the wiiu drops in price sales will continue to increase. It's more appealing as a second console than the gamecube was. In today's world AAA games are becoming fewer and far between and the Wiiu is having a much better exclusive games lineup than the gamecube. It's much more diverse. Wiiu sales will increase between now and when the system is eventually available for $99 dollars. There are also those who are deciding to hold off on a ps4/xbone for a couple years until the games library is better and the price has dropped and are opting to purchase the more afforfodable wiiu system first which has a much better lineup of exclusives games.

Somebody has to make JRPGs that look one generation old!

I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Seriously though, Their handhelds are still selling well, as far as home consoles, it might be time to get with the program (so to speak) and by that I mean, opt out from having a hit-or-miss control scheme and focus on a more powerful console, comparable to Sony's and MS's. It may lose a bit of "unique" points but it can probably put out some beautiful games, with all of their colorful franchises.

"Trick shot? The trick is NOT to get shot." - Lucian

ohmylanta1003 said:
I can't believe how many people hope that Nintendo stops making hardware sad.

We are better off as games with Nintendo creating hardware.  Since Nintendo profits quite significantly from hardware they can afford to release games and fund games which might not be very profitable as games as they know this will increase hardware sales. For example I'm pretty sure that Nintendo wouldn't be publishing Bayonetta 2 if they were not in hardware and the Xenoblade game for the 3ds has likely been funded mainly to help sell the the 3ds. We are much better off as gamers with Nintendo in hardware.

There is no place for Nintendo hardware? I can think of one. My house. But, there has been no place for Microsoft or Sony hardware in my house, and it looks to stay that way for the foreseeable future.

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Areym said:
Somebody has to make JRPGs that look one generation old!

I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Seriously though, Their handhelds are still selling well, as far as home consoles, it might be time to get with the program (so to speak) and by that I mean, opt out from having a hit-or-miss control scheme and focus on a more powerful console, comparable to Sony's and MS's. It may lose a bit of "unique" points but it can probably put out some beautiful games, with all of their colorful franchises.

The day will come when Nintendo does this. Time is running out on hardware being the limiting factor in terms of graphics. Nintendo is really well set up for this future. Sony has made inroads in this area by creating studios and building up some nice new brands. But in the future exclusive games will be all that matter when hardware is no longer the limiting factor.