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Areym said:
Somebody has to make JRPGs that look one generation old!

I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Seriously though, Their handhelds are still selling well, as far as home consoles, it might be time to get with the program (so to speak) and by that I mean, opt out from having a hit-or-miss control scheme and focus on a more powerful console, comparable to Sony's and MS's. It may lose a bit of "unique" points but it can probably put out some beautiful games, with all of their colorful franchises.

The day will come when Nintendo does this. Time is running out on hardware being the limiting factor in terms of graphics. Nintendo is really well set up for this future. Sony has made inroads in this area by creating studios and building up some nice new brands. But in the future exclusive games will be all that matter when hardware is no longer the limiting factor.