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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox One Tier 2 Countries Will Give the Console a Large Boost!

DerNebel said:
WagnerPaiva said:
I am thinking a solid million consoles in the first month of these countries (all of them together). Then, a steady extra 30k every week from those countries, from now on, for a long time.


Too much? It is a launch, so I guess there will be hype, 1 million for 30 countries sounded right to me...

My grammar errors are justified by the fact that I am a brazilian living in Brazil. I am also very stupid.

Around the Network
Burek said:
FIFA 15 bundle? So it launches September 23rd or later?

5 september for most countries and I think China 23 th september...

The fifa 15 code you get in the bundle will work when Fifa 15 release ..

WagnerPaiva said:
DerNebel said:
WagnerPaiva said:
I am thinking a solid million consoles in the first month of these countries (all of them together). Then, a steady extra 30k every week from those countries, from now on, for a long time.


Too much? It is a launch, so I guess there will be hype, 1 million for 30 countries sounded right to me...

Nah, I think you're heavily overestimating those countries here, both in what they'll sell first month and in what they'll sell weekly after that.

toastboy44562 said:

The Xbox One will be lsaunching in 33 countries this September. Most people think it will not boost sales because it can be found those countries already, that idea certainly is not true. The Xbox One is more expensive in those countries than it otherwise would be because of importing costs. People in those countries would have to buy games from another country and possibly in a language they do not understand. People that bought the console before it was released in their country would not be able to play online either. Anyone who says the Xbox One will not get a boost from the extra 33 countries this September is just lying.

How much will the Tier 2 countries help Xbox One? Some people say the Xbox One did not release in those countries because of low 360 sales however the 360 most likely did 500k-1 million+ in every single one of them.

The  Xbox 360 launched 50k units in Japan week one. Lets assume the Xbox One will do a little less since PS4 is struggling. Remember the 360 was far more popular than the Original Xbox.

In China, the Xbox One will do decent numbers. It has no competition and it working in collaboration with Chinese companies. Lets assume the Xbox One will do 30k week one in that country.

Even if the Xbox One sold 4k -5k week one in all the rest of the countries (conservative number) that means there will be about 190k-200k boost for the Xbox One week one.

China - 30k

Japan - 40k

30 countries - 120k

Total launch sales- 190k


New baseline

Let's assume from now on the Xbox One will sell 500 units a week after than in every new country launched (it will probably be far more than that but I will be conservative).

The baseline will have increased by 15k conservatively (most likely will increase about 20k).

That would mean on any given week in the summer the Xbox One should be able to do 70k-80k. This number will likely increase as the price comes down and more software is released.

Of course there are more countries to be released in after the tier 2 countries but let's not worry about them.


2015 Basline predictions

90k baseline weekly throughtout of all of 2015 for the Xbox One. PS4 will continue to outsell it but by a smaller margin, 110k weekly, and Wii U sales will dip down to 40k a week since Nintendo's two biggest IPs came out this year.

hahhaahahaahh wii u dip down...40k?and   you want me, to take into account seriously your claimings about xbone...60k is the new base and it wont change, did smas bro come out?... nintendo has a price cut up her sleeve...mk8 in the top two since its launch,and wii u holds 60k in summer drought...toastboy you were saying that wii u wont hold,and will return to pre mario kart levels...this didnt you transfered it to 2015...fed up with you!

So what's the difference between a tier 1 and a tier 2 country?

Around the Network
Miguel_Zorro said:
toastboy44562 said:

How much will the Tier 2 countries help Xbox One? Some people say the Xbox One did not release in those countries because of low 360 sales however the 360 most likely did 500k-1 million+ in every single one of them.


I don't think so.  Look at the platform totals.

The XBox 360 has done 8.46 million in sales outside of North America/Europe/Japan.  It did 25 million in sales in Europe - the vast majority of which was in countries where the XBox One is already available - the UK, Germany, Italy, France, Spain, and so on.

It mostly likely did 1 million + in sales in only very few, if any, of the tier 2 countries.  Here's the list of 26 countries.  Most of these video game markets are very small.

Russia is a big market for XBox.  South Korea is a big market for games, but not for XBox.  The rest are not big enough to register.

Well I worked for a company FNAC (Belgium) and the consoles mostly were imported from Fnac France so those sales are a bit messed up.. 
Retailers possible sold a 2-5K Xbox ones in Belgium but sites like Vgchartz will write down 0 Xbox ones sold in Belgium and would not be surprised it happened in more countries...   Just saying..

Well here in India the following are the launch prices:

Xbox (no kinect) - Rs. 40,000 = 654 Dollars (Same as ps4 and ps3)
Xbox + Kinect - Rs. 46,000 = 752 Dollars

Both come with a free copy of FIFA 15; Amazon India has lots of cool offers loke free bag, t shirts etc , but its REALLY expensive. Same as with many Tier 2 nations. Its main competitor will be the PS4 which launched a few months back. Nintendo has no presence here.

Microsoft tried really hard to pusk Xbox 360 in India, with an ad campaign with film actors and sport stars but RROD really destroyed (India is really hot and dusty so the original model was really vulnerable).

I personally will buy it next year, as i just bought a ps4 i hope the online store is competitively priced. PSN service is here is awesome, most new games are released at around 2500 Rupees (41 Dollars) for PS3 but 3500 (57 Dollars) for PS4 :(

Hopefully both will do well

DerNebel said:
WagnerPaiva said:

Too much? It is a launch, so I guess there will be hype, 1 million for 30 countries sounded right to me...

Nah, I think you're heavily overestimating those countries here, both in what they'll sell first month and in what they'll sell weekly after that.

Well, how much could it be?

Japan is in it, so I wonder if they will have some exclusives like the Xbox360 had, that dragon rpg game and Lost something, those were good games.

My grammar errors are justified by the fact that I am a brazilian living in Brazil. I am also very stupid.

Teeqoz said:
So what's the difference between a tier 1 and a tier 2 country?

Tier 1 countries are the most important countries like the USA, the UK, Germany, France, etc... while Tier 2 countries are less important countries like Argentina, India, the Netherlands, etc..

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

GamechaserBE said:
Burek said:
FIFA 15 bundle? So it launches September 23rd or later?

5 september for most countries and I think China 23 th september...

The fifa 15 code you get in the bundle will work when Fifa 15 release ..

Ah, I see. Thank you both for explaining it.