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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox One Tier 2 Countries Will Give the Console a Large Boost!

You are aware that there's a reason why these are Tier 2 countries, right? Microsoft knows their console is going to sell very few units there, so they've put all their focus onto their best selling regions. Most of these Tier 2 countries already have PS4 available, or will be getting it fairly soon. If XBone can't outsell PS4 in even it's strongest regions, there's no way in hell it'll outsell it in regions where it's clearly weaker. Japan and China are probably the 2 only good bets, but when 360 was only averaging a few hundred units a week in Japan, even that's most likely a poor bet. China is still up in the air, but there seems to be a vast preference of PS4 there as well. I don't see these Tier 2 countries pushing XBone past PS4 for more than a week or 2, and it'll only be by a small margin. With the PS4 destiny bundle and the holiday season coming, PS4's baseline will only rise. The fact that it's been maintaining 100K + units per week, despite having few major releases in 2014, says it all.

0331 Happiness is a belt-fed weapon

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WagnerPaiva said:
I am thinking a solid million consoles in the first month of these countries (all of them together). Then, a steady extra 30k every week from those countries, from now on, for a long time.

hehehehe that's a good one... wait... were you serious?

Launch week should provide a boost of 60 or 70k max. After a couple of weeks a sustained 5 to 6k at the most.

elazz said:
No, Belgium is a Tier 2 country and you can get an Xbox One for 399 which is the regular price for a couple of months already. Only when I talk to people nobody (I'm exaggerating) wants an Xone. The people with a 360 moved to PS4 and the PS4 hype is just getting bigger and bigger here. Same in the Netherlands where I see that all my X360 relatives moved to PS4 and that is more than enough to convince friends, family who usually wait for their purchase to get a PS4 now.


Person buys 7th gen console (any brand) after 3-4 years even if family member/friend has one at launch.
Nowadays: Person buys PS4 after hearing from family member/friend that he got a PS4 as well (as if Sony brainwashed us lol)

So I don't think that Xbox One stands a big chance over here. Will move a few k at launch and that's it.

You should come more into the Xbox empire thread and you will find some like me =p.  

Yeah also from Belgium (Antwerp) and me and couple of others will get it in september.

Their is really no good reason to get one in July or August when they offer Tier 2 countries this in September:

In Game mania they had more than 10 pre orders in Antwerp and that is one retailer it will boost and I think 190K is a fair guess from somebody like Toastboy..

WagnerPaiva said:
I am thinking a solid million consoles in the first month of these countries (all of them together). Then, a steady extra 30k every week from those countries, from now on, for a long time.


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GamechaserBE said:
elazz said:
No, Belgium is a Tier 2 country and you can get an Xbox One for 399 which is the regular price for a couple of months already. Only when I talk to people nobody (I'm exaggerating) wants an Xone. The people with a 360 moved to PS4 and the PS4 hype is just getting bigger and bigger here. Same in the Netherlands where I see that all my X360 relatives moved to PS4 and that is more than enough to convince friends, family who usually wait for their purchase to get a PS4 now.


Person buys 7th gen console (any brand) after 3-4 years even if family member/friend has one at launch.
Nowadays: Person buys PS4 after hearing from family member/friend that he got a PS4 as well (as if Sony brainwashed us lol)

So I don't think that Xbox One stands a big chance over here. Will move a few k at launch and that's it.

You should come more into the Xbox empire thread and you will find some like me =p.  

Yeah also from Belgium (Antwerp) and me and couple of others will get it in september.

Their is really no good reason to get one in July or August when they offer Tier 2 countries this in September:

In Game mania they had more than 10 pre orders in Antwerp and that is one retailer it will boost and I think 190K is a fair guess from somebody like Toastboy..

10 for one Game Mania Antwerp is a fair amount, not anything special though but the bundle is indeed nice. Still I think numbers are overestimated and even this nice bundle won't change that. Unless Microsoft is able to hype the things up during Gamescom the day after tomorrow. 

Stories unfolded with my home made rap songs. Feel free to listen here with lyrics:

FIFA 15 bundle? So it launches September 23rd or later?

Burek said:
celador said:
Half decent, if very optimistic, until the nonsense about PS4 baseline being 110k next year. More wishful thinking

You read it wrong, he says that PS4 will be ahead by 110k, so if he predicts XOne's baseline at 90k, it means that PS4 will be at 200k, which is reasonable, acceptable, and still beating XOne handily by more than 2:1 margin.

After reading it again I'm fairly certain that he is in fact saying that the PS4 will have a baseline of 110k in 2015.

This actually runs the risk of harming xb1 sales. The reality is that the tier 2 sales are almost certainly going to be horrendous, and that will just be more bad PR. It's like seeing ancient'Day 1' units collecting dust.

Tier 2 countries will definitely give the X1 a nice boost, but it won't last for too long!

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---