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You are aware that there's a reason why these are Tier 2 countries, right? Microsoft knows their console is going to sell very few units there, so they've put all their focus onto their best selling regions. Most of these Tier 2 countries already have PS4 available, or will be getting it fairly soon. If XBone can't outsell PS4 in even it's strongest regions, there's no way in hell it'll outsell it in regions where it's clearly weaker. Japan and China are probably the 2 only good bets, but when 360 was only averaging a few hundred units a week in Japan, even that's most likely a poor bet. China is still up in the air, but there seems to be a vast preference of PS4 there as well. I don't see these Tier 2 countries pushing XBone past PS4 for more than a week or 2, and it'll only be by a small margin. With the PS4 destiny bundle and the holiday season coming, PS4's baseline will only rise. The fact that it's been maintaining 100K + units per week, despite having few major releases in 2014, says it all.

0331 Happiness is a belt-fed weapon