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Well here in India the following are the launch prices:

Xbox (no kinect) - Rs. 40,000 = 654 Dollars (Same as ps4 and ps3)
Xbox + Kinect - Rs. 46,000 = 752 Dollars

Both come with a free copy of FIFA 15; Amazon India has lots of cool offers loke free bag, t shirts etc , but its REALLY expensive. Same as with many Tier 2 nations. Its main competitor will be the PS4 which launched a few months back. Nintendo has no presence here.

Microsoft tried really hard to pusk Xbox 360 in India, with an ad campaign with film actors and sport stars but RROD really destroyed (India is really hot and dusty so the original model was really vulnerable).

I personally will buy it next year, as i just bought a ps4 i hope the online store is competitively priced. PSN service is here is awesome, most new games are released at around 2500 Rupees (41 Dollars) for PS3 but 3500 (57 Dollars) for PS4 :(

Hopefully both will do well