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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Sony's Shuhei Yoshida Says Nintendo Provides Balance In An Industry Obsessed With Military Shooters

If only fans on both sides could be as level headed. Get a grip.

I predict that the Wii U will sell a total of 18 million units in its lifetime. 

The NX will be a 900p machine

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If Nintendo provides a balance obviously the same is true for MS, Sony and all 3rd parties.

I predict that the Wii U will sell a total of 18 million units in its lifetime. 

The NX will be a 900p machine

Lawlight said:
Aielyn said:
Lawlight said:
aLkaLiNE said:
Between Sony and MS, only one is needed (although I am a fanboy, I won't pick sides here). Nintendo on the other hand, as Yoshida said is a necessary component within the industry to help drive innovation.

What innovation by Nintendo? Care to give some examples?

Splatoon, for one - this is the one that Yoshida specifically mentioned.

The Wii's motion controls were enough of an innovation to drive the system's sales for three solid years, while both Sony and MS were forced to respond with Move and Kinect, respectively.

If you'd like, I can continue.

Yes, please continue because Splatoon seems seems like they copied The Unfinished Swan and changed it a bit.

Motion Controls - lol, yeah, such a great innovation that it's still being used today...

The ignorance is strong in this one...

If you're interested in Nintendo content and understand german, maybe you want to take a look at my youtube channel! :)

Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:
I call a truce between the Sony fans and Nintendo fans with this article! There is no reason for us to hurt each other no longer! Your Sony god loves Nintendo and Ours loves Sony so we should live together in harmony! Now that thats over, I shall now go ride my magical Pony all the way to my new house in Mars!

Anyway, I love when CEO's talk nicely about other companies, although *with old man's voice* back in my day, we used to fight our way to victory, not play nicely!

Kind of hard to do this when one side believes everything told to them without question.

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Oh, only if some of his fans woud think the same way...

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

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Devil_Survivor said:

So we all know Shu Yoshida is a big Nintendo fan and he always thinks Nintendo brings balance to the industry. 



Titles like Splatoon offer an alternative

Sony's president of Worldwide Studios Shuhei Yoshida has always had good words to say about Nintendo — he owns not one but two Wii U consoles, after all. He shows no sign of giving up his amiable relationship with the Kyoto firm, and has made some very positive noises in a recent interview with GamesIndustry International.

Discussing the reaction Sony got with LittleBigPlanet 3, Yoshida said that Nintendo provided "balance" to a business which is saturated by me-too shooting titles:

I was very happy to get a very positive reaction when we announced LittleBigPlanet 3. We are concerned a little bit when we work on a game like LittleBigPlanet 3, about how people will react, because people want those big-budget, realistic, military shooters. But there were lots of cheers, a lot of affection.

And the reaction to Nintendo's games in general, or a game like Splatoon. If you look at the whole industry, and you consider Nintendo, I think the balance is actually better than past years.

What do you think of Yoshida's comments? Do you think that Nintendo — and Sony — are providing a valuable alternative to the hordes of derivative titles available these days? Empty your clip in the comments section below.



One of many reasons why I have high regards and respect for this man. 

Almost nothing but Nintendo 1st party titles certainly isn't something I'd consider a "balance".

Playstation and Xbox are not dominated by military shooters at all.

RealGamingExpert said:
Lawlight said:
Aielyn said:
Lawlight said:
aLkaLiNE said:
Between Sony and MS, only one is needed (although I am a fanboy, I won't pick sides here). Nintendo on the other hand, as Yoshida said is a necessary component within the industry to help drive innovation.

What innovation by Nintendo? Care to give some examples?

Splatoon, for one - this is the one that Yoshida specifically mentioned.

The Wii's motion controls were enough of an innovation to drive the system's sales for three solid years, while both Sony and MS were forced to respond with Move and Kinect, respectively.

If you'd like, I can continue.

Yes, please continue because Splatoon seems seems like they copied The Unfinished Swan and changed it a bit.

Motion Controls - lol, yeah, such a great innovation that it's still being used today...

The ignorance is strong in this one...

Do you anything on topic to say? I'd be curious to hear them.

Lawlight said:
Aielyn said:
Splatoon, for one - this is the one that Yoshida specifically mentioned.

The Wii's motion controls were enough of an innovation to drive the system's sales for three solid years, while both Sony and MS were forced to respond with Move and Kinect, respectively.

If you'd like, I can continue.

Yes, please continue because Splatoon seems seems like they copied The Unfinished Swan and changed it a bit.

Motion Controls - lol, yeah, such a great innovation that it's still being used today...

... yes, I'm sure that the 4 vs 4 shooter game Splatoon is just a copy of single-player adventure title The Unfinished Swan because... reasons. Probably the fact (I assume) that both involve paint. I'm surprised that you didn't accuse it of being a copy of de Blob... oh, wait, that was on a Nintendo platform, so you can't acknowledge that game, right?

And yes, motion controls are still being used. They're not being used quite as much, but that's because motion controls aren't great for every genre, and a lot of gamers who grew up with dual analog have trouble letting go and moving to the obviously-superior Wiimote style controls.

You want some more examples? How about Mario Galaxy with its rather unique platforming style? How about NSMB Wii with its interactions between players in a cooperative platformer? How about Smash Bros (which inspired PSABR)?

How about some of the other hardware innovations - analog sticks (as opposed to joysticks), shoulder buttons, rumble, console-handheld connectivity, 3d screen on a handheld, touchscreen controls, wireless controllers...

I can keep going, if you want.

Dr.Henry_Killinger said:

Funny how Sony's president of Worldwide Studios has 200% more Wii U's then most Nintendo Fans.

EDIT: Mistakes were made, post preserved for lulz.

Ha ha ha. True. Many Nintendo fans dont own a wii u yet.