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AZWification said:

Are you joking, right?


Oh, I've seen him, yeah.  Thanks!

You're welcome.. I was kinda surprised that you didn't know Kirby. He is one of Nintendo's most well-known characters.

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

Around the Network
AZWification said:
AZWification said:

Are you joking, right?


Oh, I've seen him, yeah.  Thanks!

You're welcome.. I was kinda surprised that you didn't know Kirby. He is one of Nintendo's most well-known characters.


Oh, I do recognize him; I just didn't know him by name.  As I said, I'm actually pretty ignorant when it comes to Nintendo.  There are probably others I should know but don't.  Back when they were starting, I was too busy playing my Sega.

ColdFire - The man with no name.

AZWification said:

You're welcome.. I was kinda surprised that you didn't know Kirby. He is one of Nintendo's most well-known characters.


Oh, I do recognize him; I just didn't know him by name.  As I said, I'm actually pretty ignorant when it comes to Nintendo.  There are probably others I should know but don't.  Back when they were starting, I was too busy playing my Sega.

Oh, now I understand!

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---


Yeah but I was a Sega kid.

Truth is my experience with Nintendo is limited, especially back in those days.  We couldn't afford more than one system.  Though, I did own a few Donkey Kong handhelds back in the day.  Game & Watch handhelds.  It's an old man thing - don't worry about it.

Actually, in all seriousness, I'm interested to see if you know what I'm talking about.  Without looking it up, do you know what Game & Watch handhelds are?  Or Tiger handhelds?  This is going back even for me, so well done if you know.

Oh sure.  I have nothing against them; I just didn't grow up with them the way a lot of people here did.  But it was more a lack of money than a lack of interest.  We were hardly rich and even one video game console was a hell of an investment.  I didn't even have a 3rd gen console - I went from the Atari 2600 directly to the Sega Mega Drive (Genesis).

Right.  Yeah, I remember there was a Perfect Dark remaster that was available on Xbox Live.  In all honesty, it looked pretty sweet.  I don't recall ever seeing an equivalent remaster of Goldeneye, unfortunately.  I know there was a remake but I'd love to see a remastering of the original game.

Hmm... well, if you don't have an Xbox, I suppose you could always look for an N64.  And if all else fails, emulate.

I know exactly what a Game & Watch is. My Grandpop had one actually. I have no idea what a "Tiger" is as far as gaming is concerned. 

My first experience with games was with a Sega Genesis so I was a Sega child for a small period before we switched to an N64. Vectorman & Echo were my favorites. As was the X-Men games.

No XBox. I looked into getting a N64 a few months ago but decided against it for the time being.

AZWification said:

AZWification said:

You're welcome.. I was kinda surprised that you didn't know Kirby. He is one of Nintendo's most well-known characters.


Oh, I do recognize him; I just didn't know him by name.  As I said, I'm actually pretty ignorant when it comes to Nintendo.  There are probably others I should know but don't.  Back when they were starting, I was too busy playing my Sega.

Oh, now I understand!



Say, while we're here, how did you go with those games?  Did you get around to trying any of them?  I'll list them again for convenience...


Exmortis 2

The Last Door

The Last Door: Collector's Edition - Full 1st Season (not free)

The Chzo Mythos


Red Crucible


Sentinels: The First Wave

Burnin' Rubber 4: GOTY Edition

ColdFire - The man with no name.

Around the Network

*Sound Of Rain said:

I know exactly what a Game & Watch is. My Grandpop had one actually.


Ahem!  Yes...

I'm not that bloody old!


*Sound Of Rain said:

I have no idea what a "Tiger" is as far as gaming is concerned.


Tiger handhelds were similar to Game & Watch handhelds; they were just made by a different company (Tiger Electronics)...

Tiger handhelds


*Sound Of Rain said:

My first experience with games was with a Sega Genesis so I was a Sega child for a small period before we switched to an N64. Vectorman & Echo were my favorites. As was the X-Men games.


So many great games on that system.  If you only played it for a short time, you probably missed a lot.  I listed some of my old favourites for someone a while back.  If you're ever interested in going back and playing the games you missed the first time around, you should check out my suggestions.

ColdFire - The man with no name.


Ahem!  Yes...

I'm not that bloody old!

Tiger handhelds were similar to Game & Watch handhelds; they were just made by a different company (Tiger Electronics)...

Tiger handhelds

So many great games on that system.  If you only played it for a short time, you probably missed a lot.  I listed some of my old favourites for someone a while back.  If you're ever interested in going back and playing the games you missed the first time around, you should check out my suggestions.

Well, my Grandpop got one when he was already older. He played games every once in a while with us grand kids but not much. Honestly, I don't know why he had one. I'm sure you're not that old

The Tiger actually looks somewhat familiar...

What are you trying to do to me Fire? I can't afford to support the PS4, buy a N64 and look into getting old Genesis games! Afterall, I didn't find a money tree

*Sound Of Rain said:

Well, my Grandpop got one when he was already older. He played games every once in a while with us grand kids but not much. Honestly, I don't know why he had one. I'm sure you're not that old


Well, unless you're like 15, I'm not even really old enough to be your father, much less your grandfather.  That was a sobering response on your part, though.  It certainly got my attention.

ColdFire: "I used to have some Game & Watch handhelds.  You know what they are?"

*Sound Of Rain: "Yeah, my grandpa had one."


*Sound Of Rain said:

The Tiger actually looks somewhat familiar...


I don't actually recall if I had any Tiger ones specifically, but I know I had several Game & Watch handhelds.  I'm certain I had a few Donkey Kong games.  DK, DK 2, and DK Jr... if memory serves.

Dude, check out what I found while searching around...

Click on the handhelds down the bottom and you can play them!  How cool is that?


*Sound Of Rain said:

What are you trying to do to me Fire? I can't afford to support the PS4, buy a N64 and look into getting old Genesis games! Afterall, I didn't find a money tree


The money tree is right over there next to the fountain of youth.

But yeah, keep supporting the PS4 for now.  Sony needs the money more than Nintendo.

And as I said before, if all else fails, emulate.  Or better yet, get disolitude's "Dreamcast 2".  Did you see that thread, by the way?  If not, check it out...

Seriously, that's just all kinds of awesome!

ColdFire - The man with no name.




Say, while we're here, how did you go with those games?  Did you get around to trying any of them?  I'll list them again for convenience...


Exmortis 2

The Last Door

The Last Door: Collector's Edition - Full 1st Season (not free)

The Chzo Mythos


Red Crucible


Sentinels: The First Wave

Burnin' Rubber 4: GOTY Edition

I only tried the Exmortis games and I like them! Sadly, I don't have the time right now to try the another games!

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

AZWification said:

I only tried the Exmortis games and I like them!


I thought you might.  If you're a fan of Silent Hill, I'm not surprised that you enjoyed Exmortis.  They're really heavy on atmosphere.  And made by just one guy, too.  An Australian, of course.

Out of curiosity, did you complete them?  And did you read all the written stuff?  Some of the journal entries and whatnot are almost as creepy as the games themselves.

Also, if you liked Exmortis then I really do recommend The Last Door...


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

And if you want to support the devs, here's their site...

I really like the business model they've set up.  Basically, the way it works is everything prior to the current chapter is free to play, and you can unlock the current chapter for a donation.  This funds the development of the next chapter, and when it's completed it goes up for donations, and the previous chapter goes free to play.

So far, the first three chapters are free and the fourth is unlockable by donation.  And, according to their site, Chapter 5 has reached its funding target, so once development is complete, it will go up for donation and Chapter 4 will go free to play.

I also recommend The Chzo Mythos.

It doesn't have the atmosphere of the other two games (it's more like old school graphic adventure games) but I love the story.  The timeline leaps back and forward throughout the series, but the correct order to play the games in is as follows...

5 Days A Stranger

7 Days A Skeptic

Trilby's Notes

6 Days A Sacrifice


Note: The game "1213", which is included in this download, is not a part of the Chzo series.


AZWification said:

Sadly, I don't have the time right now to try the another games!


That's ok.  I wasn't meaning to pressure you or anything; I was just curious if you had.

I will say, though, that if you liked Exmortis, I think you'll also like those other two.  Definitely The Last Door.  The Chzo Mythos may be a tougher sell.  Personally, I love it, but it will depend on how much you enjoy narrative-driven gameplay.

ColdFire - The man with no name.