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AZWification said:

I only tried the Exmortis games and I like them!


I thought you might.  If you're a fan of Silent Hill, I'm not surprised that you enjoyed Exmortis.  They're really heavy on atmosphere.  And made by just one guy, too.  An Australian, of course.

Out of curiosity, did you complete them?  And did you read all the written stuff?  Some of the journal entries and whatnot are almost as creepy as the games themselves.

Also, if you liked Exmortis then I really do recommend The Last Door...


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

And if you want to support the devs, here's their site...

I really like the business model they've set up.  Basically, the way it works is everything prior to the current chapter is free to play, and you can unlock the current chapter for a donation.  This funds the development of the next chapter, and when it's completed it goes up for donations, and the previous chapter goes free to play.

So far, the first three chapters are free and the fourth is unlockable by donation.  And, according to their site, Chapter 5 has reached its funding target, so once development is complete, it will go up for donation and Chapter 4 will go free to play.

I also recommend The Chzo Mythos.

It doesn't have the atmosphere of the other two games (it's more like old school graphic adventure games) but I love the story.  The timeline leaps back and forward throughout the series, but the correct order to play the games in is as follows...

5 Days A Stranger

7 Days A Skeptic

Trilby's Notes

6 Days A Sacrifice


Note: The game "1213", which is included in this download, is not a part of the Chzo series.


AZWification said:

Sadly, I don't have the time right now to try the another games!


That's ok.  I wasn't meaning to pressure you or anything; I was just curious if you had.

I will say, though, that if you liked Exmortis, I think you'll also like those other two.  Definitely The Last Door.  The Chzo Mythos may be a tougher sell.  Personally, I love it, but it will depend on how much you enjoy narrative-driven gameplay.

ColdFire - The man with no name.