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*Sound Of Rain said:

Well, my Grandpop got one when he was already older. He played games every once in a while with us grand kids but not much. Honestly, I don't know why he had one. I'm sure you're not that old


Well, unless you're like 15, I'm not even really old enough to be your father, much less your grandfather.  That was a sobering response on your part, though.  It certainly got my attention.

ColdFire: "I used to have some Game & Watch handhelds.  You know what they are?"

*Sound Of Rain: "Yeah, my grandpa had one."


*Sound Of Rain said:

The Tiger actually looks somewhat familiar...


I don't actually recall if I had any Tiger ones specifically, but I know I had several Game & Watch handhelds.  I'm certain I had a few Donkey Kong games.  DK, DK 2, and DK Jr... if memory serves.

Dude, check out what I found while searching around...

Click on the handhelds down the bottom and you can play them!  How cool is that?


*Sound Of Rain said:

What are you trying to do to me Fire? I can't afford to support the PS4, buy a N64 and look into getting old Genesis games! Afterall, I didn't find a money tree


The money tree is right over there next to the fountain of youth.

But yeah, keep supporting the PS4 for now.  Sony needs the money more than Nintendo.

And as I said before, if all else fails, emulate.  Or better yet, get disolitude's "Dreamcast 2".  Did you see that thread, by the way?  If not, check it out...

Seriously, that's just all kinds of awesome!

ColdFire - The man with no name.