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Yeah but I was a Sega kid.

Truth is my experience with Nintendo is limited, especially back in those days.  We couldn't afford more than one system.  Though, I did own a few Donkey Kong handhelds back in the day.  Game & Watch handhelds.  It's an old man thing - don't worry about it.

Actually, in all seriousness, I'm interested to see if you know what I'm talking about.  Without looking it up, do you know what Game & Watch handhelds are?  Or Tiger handhelds?  This is going back even for me, so well done if you know.

Oh sure.  I have nothing against them; I just didn't grow up with them the way a lot of people here did.  But it was more a lack of money than a lack of interest.  We were hardly rich and even one video game console was a hell of an investment.  I didn't even have a 3rd gen console - I went from the Atari 2600 directly to the Sega Mega Drive (Genesis).

Right.  Yeah, I remember there was a Perfect Dark remaster that was available on Xbox Live.  In all honesty, it looked pretty sweet.  I don't recall ever seeing an equivalent remaster of Goldeneye, unfortunately.  I know there was a remake but I'd love to see a remastering of the original game.

Hmm... well, if you don't have an Xbox, I suppose you could always look for an N64.  And if all else fails, emulate.

I know exactly what a Game & Watch is. My Grandpop had one actually. I have no idea what a "Tiger" is as far as gaming is concerned. 

My first experience with games was with a Sega Genesis so I was a Sega child for a small period before we switched to an N64. Vectorman & Echo were my favorites. As was the X-Men games.

No XBox. I looked into getting a N64 a few months ago but decided against it for the time being.