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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Satoru Iwata has been re-elected as Nintendo president!


Is this good news?

Yes, Iwata has learned! 201 39.18%
No, what were the shareholders thinking! 131 25.54%
Maybe, we will see where it goes from here. 180 35.09%
Noshowers said:
RealGamingExpert said:
etking said:
The Wii-U is still overpriced, no tablet-less version is available, the Wii-U still has no games and no 3rd party support. Nintendo games also get more and more childish and even adult games like Tomodachi Life are marketed against small children which is scaring away the original target audience. I wonder if Iwata is willing to change all that?

I am a Nintendo fan but I will not buy the Wii-U as long as it comes with a heavy, oversized and inconvenient tablet that always needs to be connected even if you do not plan to ever use it and it always runs out of battery too.

Amiibo is Nintendo's entry into the pay to win market and the Mario Golf DLC shows that Nintendo will from now on release only half complete games where regular content is cut out to rip off the customer and make him pay twice. But I am not willing not buy incomplete games and I will not pay twice.

That post gave me cancer...

It's like you can read my thoughts

I can! You also need to shower.

No seriously, you really need to take a shower.

If you're interested in Nintendo content and understand german, maybe you want to take a look at my youtube channel! :)

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In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank

Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:
Please Understand!

But seriously, if he had anything to do with this year's e3, I don't mind keeping him but if it was someone else's idea, make that person the president

Considering the opening to the E3 (Iwata and Reggie epic battle of the ages), I think both Iwata and Reggie played a part, and they're both presidents.

How did the share price react? Should be able to tell if this was expected or not through that.

etking said:

Mario Golf DLC shows that Nintendo will from now on release only half complete games where regular content is cut out to rip off the customer and make him pay twice. But I am not willing not buy incomplete games and I will not pay twice.

I believe Mario Golf has just as much content as the previous versions of Mario Golf (looks like they have 3 18 hole courses along with a bunch of other minigames) .  I believe if they had 5 18 hole courses then there would be zero complaints.  I'll look further into but I have yet to purchase the game.  I was a little upset after hearing about the DLC/season pass.  However, Animal Crossing: New Leaf proves that Nintendo isn't going the bullshit DLC route with all their games.  They could have easily put micro purchases into that game but that would have pissed off the fans of the series.  Hell, there was even articles with writers suggesting they go free to play route with Animal Crossing with micro transactions.  Everyone that commented on those stories was in strong opposition to it.  Mario Kart 8 looks like a complete game to me with no bullshit day 1 DLC or any talk about adding more course through DLC.

This is a Nintendolife review so you can take it with a grain of salt but they can be harsh on Nintendo games sometimes in their reviews.

"Mario Golf: World Tour delivers, most notably right out of the box, a lengthy and involving experience. There is impressive depth not just in the level of content and diversity of options, but in the golf mechanics themselves; the catered options for beginners and stronger players are impeccably implemented."


IGN gave the game a 8.6 which IGN hardly has a Nintendo biased.

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Nettles said:
How did the share price react? Should be able to tell if this was expected or not through that.

Looks like it dropped only 1%, which has been known to happen in day to day ups and downs, so nothing significant. I can't imagine a decision made by the shareholders would be unexpected by the shareholders, anyway.

Woop woop!

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!

I dunno how this is from a business perspective, but personally I'm fine with it. 3DS has possibly become my favorite gaming machine ever, and I really like the upcoming slate of Wii U games. My only real complaint is the Wii U not getting multiplatform games, but other than that, I'm enjoying Nintendo's output.

ganoncrotch said:
burninmylight said:

Read this:

Guess where that came from....

Your very first link


His 4th link to prove a point is from a site not unlike yahoo answers with someone asking if you can buy a console without the gamepad, see... he found 1 instance of someone asking if they come packaged seperately, that one question asked by a person means he is correct in saying that a console should basically be sold without a device needed for 90% of it's games to even start up...

But alas in his first post he did start by saying he was a fan of Nintendo which means that his disdain for both Wii-U and 3DS and their games is justified!

Freakin' hilarious. I'm starting to think we're the fools for indulging him to this degree.

etking said:
Go ask Wii buyers why they do not plan to buy the Wii-U. The #1 answer will be that they cannot imagine it could be fun to use such an awkward and over-sized tablet controller. The #2 answer will be that the price is too high. The #3 answer will be that there is no real sports bundle. Then there is the lack of 3rd party support caused by the small user base and childish image of the platform. And the lack of games, you need to wait 3 moths or more for the next game to be released.

You cannot ignore your customers and pretend everything is fine if you want be successful. I want Nintendo to be successful but it currently do not see it happening. If I was in charge of the company I would do everything to repeat the success of the original Wii and this still is very possible.

yer show me the figures.

The real reason is they were casual gamers who moved on. Look at the sales data of mobile gaming. Smart phones and tablets killed the handheld market and Nintendos casual base.