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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Satoru Iwata has been re-elected as Nintendo president!


Is this good news?

Yes, Iwata has learned! 201 39.18%
No, what were the shareholders thinking! 131 25.54%
Maybe, we will see where it goes from here. 180 35.09%

Are people forgetting that 3/4 of the platforms that Iwata launched are smashing successes?

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The shareholders should have demanded change or clean house. Its simple for Nintendo: Always cover your bases. That means, never sacrifice power and/or 3rd party relations. Why? b/c if Ninty's "innovation" fails, they need the back up plan to make sure the system is always worthwhile. Aim for a smash hit, but make sure your product never totally flops. If Ninty doesn't cover these bases, then they are essentially pushing customers to the competition. Nintendo should never care if their iteration of 3rd party games are the lowest selling, they should care about covering as much of the gaming world as possible, to have as much software available as possible. NEVER give away excuses for third parties such as "not enough install base, not enough tech power", ALWAYS aim to be the best overall, then let the chips fall where they may.

I don't think Ninty will learn this lesson, and they will continue going away from the "core" market and reaching badly into the blue ocean of death aka Bermuda triangle.

burninmylight said:
etking said:

Go out and ask your friends why they do not plan to ever buy the Wii-U. You will get exactly the above results.

However, as you can often read in self reports, most people that bought the Wii-U end up liking the tablet in eventually. But the fear that it could feel awkward and would not be fun to use is what potential customers scares away from the system.

If you spend a heavy amount of money on something you want to feel fully positive about it. If thinking about using the heavy tablet makes you feel negative, you will not buy it. And as everyone can see in the current sales data, people do not buy the Wii-U because they cannot imagine it could be fun to use the tablet controller.

Read this:

Guess where that came from....

Your very first link


His 4th link to prove a point is from a site not unlike yahoo answers with someone asking if you can buy a console without the gamepad, see... he found 1 instance of someone asking if they come packaged seperately, that one question asked by a person means he is correct in saying that a console should basically be sold without a device needed for 90% of it's games to even start up...

But alas in his first post he did start by saying he was a fan of Nintendo which means that his disdain for both Wii-U and 3DS and their games is justified!

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No vision, no thought, no clue, no change.


etking said:

It is that easy to repeat the success story of the Wii.

If you honestly think that you should go out and become a billionaire, if you can just click your heels together and create a console which sells 150million units to some people who had never picked up a games controller before... now you think you can repeat that process and somehow make those exact same 150million people want to upgrade their console because it provides HD graphic output? 

The issue(one of several) with your logic is non gamers do not desire the same improvements in technology that gamers. They are perfectly happy with a system which can be used for some lighthearted fun or exercise routines... Wii Fit with better graphics doesn't make it any better of a fittness tool or anymore of a basic reason to get elderly people off their chairs and do a little light exercise... in HD, a great deal of its player base have issues seeing at all... nevermind entering the 720p/1080p war which exists in some peoples minds.



On a side note

Lose - to no longer have something you previously had, e.g. you can lose 5kgs of weight and you will be 5kgs lighter

Loose - Something doesn't fit tightly, it has a loose fitting... possibly because someone went on a diet to lose 5kgs!

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I like Iwata. So naturally I'm having a good time laughing at all his detractors here in this thread. Keep it coming, this is good stuff.

the_dengle said:
I like Iwata. So naturally I'm having a good time laughing at all his detractors here in this thread. Keep it coming, this is good stuff.


Who knew there were so many potential CEOs for billionaire industries lurking on these forums every day.

Why not check me out on youtube and help me on the way to 2k subs over at

RolStoppable said:
ganoncrotch said:
the_dengle said:
I like Iwata. So naturally I'm having a good time laughing at all his detractors here in this thread. Keep it coming, this is good stuff.


Who knew there were so many potential CEOs for billionaire industries lurking on these forums every day.

They aren't potential CEOs, they are people who make Nintendo's Wii U strategy look like a brilliant plan.

Aye, say what you want about Iwata, at least he doesn't present his new ideas to the shareholders by smearing fecal matter on the wall of a boardroom with his face.

Why not check me out on youtube and help me on the way to 2k subs over at

RolStoppable said:
ganoncrotch said:

Who knew there were so many potential CEOs for billionaire industries lurking on these forums every day.

They aren't potential CEOs, they are people who make Nintendo's Wii U strategy look like a brilliant plan.

Quote of the thread.

RealGamingExpert said:
etking said:
The Wii-U is still overpriced, no tablet-less version is available, the Wii-U still has no games and no 3rd party support. Nintendo games also get more and more childish and even adult games like Tomodachi Life are marketed against small children which is scaring away the original target audience. I wonder if Iwata is willing to change all that?

I am a Nintendo fan but I will not buy the Wii-U as long as it comes with a heavy, oversized and inconvenient tablet that always needs to be connected even if you do not plan to ever use it and it always runs out of battery too.

Amiibo is Nintendo's entry into the pay to win market and the Mario Golf DLC shows that Nintendo will from now on release only half complete games where regular content is cut out to rip off the customer and make him pay twice. But I am not willing not buy incomplete games and I will not pay twice.

That post gave me cancer...

It's like you can read my thoughts.  What a train wreck, lol