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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - is Splatoon receiving more attention because its an exclusive Nintnedo shooter?

Of all the games shown, I think Splatoon has the greatest Gamepad potential.

The use of the map, fast travel and gyro aiming may make a serious case to actually having a second gamepad available for co-op or multiplayer play. If you can use the gamepad for map creation/editing too, I think we may have a gamepad-vindicating game -- that deserves attention.

I predict NX launches in 2017 - not 2016

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It's cause 3rd parties are back! Wii U is undoomed! =P

The Carnival of Shadows - Folk Punk from Asbury Park, New Jersey 

Splatoon is a new ip with a new twist to the TPS genre.I think it deserves the attention it's receiving.The gaming industry has innumerable FPS which are dwindling in popularity. More TPS are needed in the industry.

bananaking21 said:

im not saying it doesnt deserve attention. i am saying its getting much more attention than it would have if it were on another platform. its a Nintendo developed shooter, and thats whats getting it more attention than anything. 

Eh, I think it would be getting just as much attention if it was a 1st party title from either Sony or Microsoft.

Multiplat it probably wouldnt get much attention.


bananaking21 said:
Mystro-Sama said:
Why the hate? This game looks fun, it's as simple as that. Not to mention it uses gameplay ideas not used before.

just because i am pointing out an observation i had about a game does not mean i am hating on it. 

You said it yourself that it doesn't deserve the praise it's getting, even though you know it's a fun game and started comparing it to the likes of The Division which is just ridiculous.

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Because it's a non brown and grey 3PS game, and made by Nintendo. It is also one of a kind with unique mechanics and vision.

Mr Khan said:
Colorful shooter with style. Similar to the (well-deserved) praise that Sunset Overdrive is getting. That alone is enough to stand out in a crowd.

Agreed, i dont understand some of the hate here? Anywayz both Sunset OD and Splatoon are a very interesting take on the shooter genre. I rather have new ways to play then the standard yearly routine as others. I definitely want to play both. Also Halo since its by far my favorite MS game

People were drooling over CGI trailers the Order(last year), Bloodborne, Destiny(last year) and many others without a lick of gameplay all because they are exclusive to their console. Maybe this game just looks like it will be fun and has some new mechanics to add to a genre that has mostly run dry with ideas. People got to play and see the game in action and has good word of mouth.

If this were PS4 exclusive by Media Molecule or X1 by Rare, a certain group of people would go nuts for it too. Even if it were an indy game it would have good press cause people that have played it think its good.

Getting an XBOX One for me is like being in a bad relationship but staying together because we have kids. XBone we have 20000+ achievement points, 2+ years of XBL Gold and 20000+ MS points. I think its best we stay together if only for the MS points.

Nintendo Treehouse is what happens when a publisher is confident and proud of its games and doesn't need to show CGI lies for five minutes.

-Jim Sterling

It's like an indie made by Nintendo. Now, I'm not an indie hater but many people are and yet I've seen some of them praising the game.

The One and Only

I don't get the comparisons with indie games or eShop games...while it is true that we have only seen a small amount of content, that doesn't mean the game will be small. We already have single player and multiple online modes confirmed so where does that thinking come from?