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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - is Splatoon receiving more attention because its an exclusive Nintnedo shooter?

bananaking21 said:
padib said:

People are typically excited when they play Mario Kart. They get aggressive when they play COD.

Proof is in the well-known bad-mouthing videos that make fun of people who troll other people on COD. On U, people draw things to each other.

One's happier and more fun, the other is less.

so just because some young bratty teens scream at each other while playing at an esport tournament makes the game unaccessible, easy to pick up, and people dont enjoy playing its multplayer together? you actually proved my point by bringing the esports in this, if it wasnt accessible and all that other stuff we mentioned it wouldnt have become an esport in the first place.

you can accept it or not, but CoD is the go to game for the multiplayer fix in the shooter genre, and splatoon wont take its place. 

Does it have to? Sales will not make this game more fun. Splatoon looks fun and I'd like to try it and that's all there's to it. I hope it sells millions, but I'll probably enjoy it just as much if it only sells 800K copies or something. 

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Play4Fun said:
bananaking21 said:
Play4Fun said:
bananaking21 said:


Well then you'd be wrong.

Prove it. 

Had a small party at my house with little kids, plus adults who don't play video-games. Put on MK and pretty much everyone had fun playing multiplayer with each other.  The result wouldn't have been the same with COD, an M rated game with blood, gore, violence and cursing. Some of the kids wouldn't have been interested in playing, especially the girls and some of the adults would have been turned off by the intense violence and cursing.

Mario Kart is a family friendly game. COD is not.

You know this, that's why I asked you the question earlier to see if you would admit it, but of course you didn't.

ok so? thats the case with your family. however with me and my neighbors we used to play CoD all the time. from kids, to teens to college students and sometimes their dad would join us, and thats the case with me and my neigbors. but the huge popularity of CoD among many age groups and the huge focus on multiplayer, whether its split screen, online or splitscreen online shows that it is a game that is enjoyed amoung a diverse group of people, from all nationalities and age groups. just because your family and friends dont like it, doesnt mean that the dozens of millions of people who buy the game dont. there is a reason it has many offline and online features. its because people play them.

Samus Aran said:
bananaking21 said:

so just because some young bratty teens scream at each other while playing at an esport tournament makes the game unaccessible, easy to pick up, and people dont enjoy playing its multplayer together? you actually proved my point by bringing the esports in this, if it wasnt accessible and all that other stuff we mentioned it wouldnt have become an esport in the first place.

you can accept it or not, but CoD is the go to game for the multiplayer fix in the shooter genre, and splatoon wont take its place. 

Does it have to? Sales will not make this game more fun. Splatoon looks fun and I'd like to try it and that's all there's to it. I hope it sells millions, but I'll probably enjoy it just as much if it only sells 800K copies or something. 

who said anything about the sales of the game effecting the fun factor. the argument here was that splatoon would become the go to game for casual group multiplayer, i pointed out that CoD is the go to game for the shooter fix, and that splatoon wont take its place. does that mean many people cant enjoy playing spaltoon together? no, not at all.

bananaking21 said:

ok so? thats the case with your family. however with me and my neighbors we used to play CoD all the time. from kids, to teens to college students and sometimes their dad would join us, and thats the case with me and my neigbors. but the huge popularity of CoD among many age groups and the huge focus on multiplayer, whether its split screen, online or splitscreen online shows that it is a game that is enjoyed amoung a diverse group of people, from all nationalities and age groups. just because your family and friends dont like it, doesnt mean that the dozens of millions of people who buy the game dont. there is a reason it has many offline and online features. its because people play them.

I believe that MK has a larger potential funbase (yes, I said funbase) than CoD (I find it hard to believe that anyone would bring out CoD in a party with kids under 10, and I think most older parents wouldn't want to play a game like that (or even be able to if they weren't familiar with the genre)), but like I said before, I don't believe that really is the reason CoD isn't the MK of shooters. I said this before and you may have missed it so I will post it again:

I think the difference is that Mario Kart stands outside all (or most) other racing games and does something different (when compared to other racers), while Call of Duty stands at the epicenter all FPS and does something familiar (when compared to other FPS).

PS: Watch your quote trees, you wouldn't want to be banned for something silly like that. 

bananaking21 said:

ok so? thats the case with your family. however with me and my neighbors we used to play CoD all the time. from kids, to teens to college students and sometimes their dad would join us, and thats the case with me and my neigbors. but the huge popularity of CoD among many age groups and the huge focus on multiplayer, whether its split screen, online or splitscreen online shows that it is a game that is enjoyed amoung a diverse group of people, from all nationalities and age groups. just because your family and friends dont like it, doesnt mean that the dozens of millions of people who buy the game dont. there is a reason it has many offline and online features. its because people play them.

COD isn't a game that is accessible to everyone on the level of Mario Kart. A lot of parents would have no problem with their kids playing Mario Kart but they would if it was COD. Alot of non-gamers wouldn't be interested in shooting and stabbing people in a violent gritty FPS, but they'd enjoy a game of driving Karts and shooting bananas in a colorful, charming Kart-racer.

Look at Wii for example, one of the most family friendly party consoles of all time. It got plenty of COD games, and despite the fact that COD was one of the biggest hits last gen, the COD games combined didn't even sell half of what Mario Kart alone sold. About 10m combined to MK's 30+m.

When famousringo said he could see Splatoon being the MK of shooters, it's not like he forgot COD existed or anything. He acknowledged the genre was popular already and had a huge audience. That's why he said "I see can see Splatoon reaching beyond the audience that typically plays multiplayer shooters." In the same way Maro Kart reached beyond the audience that typically played arcade/realistic racers.

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Lol why is an eShop game? We only saw one level and one mode. We don't know how big will be is like if said that MK 8 last E3 looked like a Eshop game.

cheshirescat said:

Dudebros are just the perceived fanbase for brown corridor multiplayer shooters, the actual fanbase is children.  WIth splatoon the perceived fanbase is children, but the fanbase will be adult my little pony fans.

Well, I am interested in Splatoon and I cannot watch more than 2 minutes of a MLP episode!

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

ClassicGamingWizzz said:
splatoon looks like a indie boring shooter.

ROL really was spot-on with his post earlier.

Also, how did you feel about Knack?

It looks ink-redibly fun, but I hope it comes with a story mode, I want to know more about the squid-people and why they need to ink cities.

You know it deserves the GOTY.

Come join The 2018 Obscure Game Monthly Review Thread.

If it didnt' have so many booths for peopel to play and gets a tons of hands on then i would say you might have a case.

But EVERYONE got to play this game, and from all the demoes I'm guessing a fair amount of play too. All this talk and praise is from PLAYING the game. Doesn't matter who made the game, they woulnd't be praising a bad game. The game was fun, its a new take on shooters. Why shouldn't it get exposure.

I believe Division was refered to in the OP. Reason Splatoon is getting more talk is because Division doesn't do enough different to not get lost in the other 100 shooters shown off at E3. Simple as that. Splatoon and Sunset overdrive are unique shooters in a giant pool of shooters. Thus they get talked about and hyped up. They are refreshing.