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bananaking21 said:

ok so? thats the case with your family. however with me and my neighbors we used to play CoD all the time. from kids, to teens to college students and sometimes their dad would join us, and thats the case with me and my neigbors. but the huge popularity of CoD among many age groups and the huge focus on multiplayer, whether its split screen, online or splitscreen online shows that it is a game that is enjoyed amoung a diverse group of people, from all nationalities and age groups. just because your family and friends dont like it, doesnt mean that the dozens of millions of people who buy the game dont. there is a reason it has many offline and online features. its because people play them.

I believe that MK has a larger potential funbase (yes, I said funbase) than CoD (I find it hard to believe that anyone would bring out CoD in a party with kids under 10, and I think most older parents wouldn't want to play a game like that (or even be able to if they weren't familiar with the genre)), but like I said before, I don't believe that really is the reason CoD isn't the MK of shooters. I said this before and you may have missed it so I will post it again:

I think the difference is that Mario Kart stands outside all (or most) other racing games and does something different (when compared to other racers), while Call of Duty stands at the epicenter all FPS and does something familiar (when compared to other FPS).

PS: Watch your quote trees, you wouldn't want to be banned for something silly like that.