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Forums - Sales Discussion - Xbox One won't catch PS4.

NobleTeam360 said:
vivster said:

But But But Doritos!

Lmao, Doritos will ensure Xbox dude bro victory. You can't forget the Mountain Dew though, they need something to drink also.

I thought of it but "But but but Doritos and Mountain Dew!" doesn't really have the same punch to it.

Gotta think of the comedy professors.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

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BeElite said:
X1 will not win a single market.

PS4 will beat it in US, its still superior in most ways. For X1 to "win" it needs price advantage like if not bigger then the 360 had over PS3. X1 lacks all the other advantages xbox has last gen.

Price parity does not magically erase all the disadvantages x1 has.

The first comment to really offer something to the thread, Yay!

I miss John Lucas. He really knows how to declare real predictions.

It all boils down to the games now.

superchunk said:
I miss John Lucas. He really knows how to declare real predictions.

Who? and I'm sorry my "prediction" wasn't up to your standards. I'll try harder next time.

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NobleTeam360 said:

Although it being the same price as the PS4 puts it on level playing field one glaring issue remains the same. PS4 is simply still more  powerful, I feel like (and this has been stated by several other users) MS should of just dropped the price to $350. I'm not exactly sold on Xbox being able to compete globally with PS4 at the same price, in fact I still think PS4 will easily beat Xbox in most markets. The wild card is N. America they have shown to never really be brand loyal, but I do think Xbox can and will win this reigon, partially due to the fact that Xbox has done well with it's current price tag of $500. Don't mistake that as me thinking Xbox will dominate N. America either, I think it'll be 55-45 in favor of Xbox.

Anyway what do you think? (This is an opinion piece therefore  I could be completely wrong)

I don't think MS cares enough to lose that much money just to be "ahead" in the US only.

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank

NobleTeam360 said:
Ka-pi96 said:
It doesn't seem likely but it's not impossible the gen has only barely begun.

$199 Xbox One calling it right now lol.

I can see that happening. Bundled with download codes for Halo 6 and Quantum game. 

NobleTeam360 said:
superchunk said:
I miss John Lucas. He really knows how to declare real predictions.

Who? and I'm sorry my "prediction" wasn't up to your standards. I'll try harder next time.

Its fine, its just common. JL would make outlandish claims that drove wild discussions until it was clear that its not happening. Well he was right the first time back in 2007.

My statement is more about the numerous threads since Xbone's changeup on Monday about NA sales primarily. They're just kinda meh. I want excitement!

superchunk said:
NobleTeam360 said:
superchunk said:
I miss John Lucas. He really knows how to declare real predictions.

Who? and I'm sorry my "prediction" wasn't up to your standards. I'll try harder next time.

Its fine, its just common. JL would make outlandish claims that drove wild discussions until it was clear that its not happening. Well he was right the first time back in 2007.

My statement is more about the numerous threads since Xbone's changeup on Monday about NA sales primarily. They're just kinda meh. I want excitement!

Give me a some time to think of some controversial thread/predictions I can come up with lol.

sales2099 said:
We all know this. Mainland Europe and Japan are just too much geography in Sonys favor.

But if it wins where we personally live, a local victory where our personal friends and family choose X1 over PS4, then I'll take that any day.

Because at the end of the day, I could not care less what the Spanish or what the Japanese or whatever prefer. I care about what console people play most where I live.

To an extent I could understand that if you only played games from where you are from and playing games online with friends was integral to your experience.

Gaming tastes globally matter if you play games from all over. To me Japan is critical to a console because they make 40-60% of the games I play on a platform.  If everyone I knew played console A, but rest of the world played console B it would be hard to ignore that. Like owning a Dreamcast, Gamecube or Xbox in the PS2 era.

Onto what others play, I agree to a bit there. I do not play online with friends (no internet) but I do like being able to share stories or have people over to play or share games.  That said, one of my best friends adores Xbox and his owning an X1 has not affected either of us in the slightest.  One of my biggest issues in gaming is how local multi-player is worse now than it was 10 or even 20 years ago, half the fun of playing with people is the human interaction.