Anyone played Skulls of the Shogun yet?
What did you think about Sony's Pre-TGS Conference? | |||
It was nice | 10 | 11.90% | |
Nothing that really caught my attention tbh | 25 | 29.76% | |
It was awesome! | 8 | 9.52% | |
Not Bad | 7 | 8.33% | |
I didn't like it | 11 | 13.10% | |
It was okay | 10 | 11.90% | |
Needed more LoD! | 4 | 4.76% | |
Decent | 2 | 2.38% | |
Other | 7 | 8.33% | |
Total: | 84 |
the-pi-guy said:
Do you have your address set to a PO box? |
you mean the address they ask for with the credit card?
Predictions for end of 2014 HW sales:
PS4: 17m XB1: 10m WiiU: 10m Vita: 10m
BraLoD said:
It looks great IMO, this game will be more in the line of TLoU, you can see Drake is sad and he is old now, he is kinda full of all this, it seems to be a darker tone, to be honest I think this game will be better than the usual, will be closer to TLoU, I'm really hyped to it. |
bruce stanley and niel already said that UC4 will have the same "up lifting" mood Uncharted is known for. it wont be as dark or serious as TLoU. however it seems that it will be bit darker than the previous uncharted games. but not in the same depressing mood as TLoU.
celador said: Boxart for the game officially revealed. It's ok, a bit generic |
Looks awesome imo. I think we will se an Uncharted game with a great story!
Take a look at this, one of my friend's did this! (Please take this with humor and don't ban me. It is just fun! )
the-pi-guy said:
I'm not sure. I just looked and someone said that they had their address set to a PO box and they were told to change it. |
tried still didn't work...this is quite annoying man digital is the only way i can get games without being raped by local retailers and their mark ups and now this happens as i try to preorder batman smh
Dr.Vita said: Take a look at this, one of my friend's did this! (Please take this with humor and don't ban me. It is just fun! |
lol pretty funny, but I don't think Uncharted 4 isn't big enough by itself to put it at it's end.
BraLoD said:
I don't expect it to be so dark as TLoU, but to go closer to it and a little away from Uncharted mood. I think even in 3 they were already showing they wanted to put more emotion on it other that pure action. After TLoU proving how well they can do it, it's normal to see they feeling more comfortable to try more with Uncharted as well. I think this will end up being the best game in the series. More like in TLoU level, closer to 10 than 9. (even though 2 was already a 9.6). Do you feel the same? To me it'll end up another 96 and my personal favorite, if it meet my expectation towards it right now. |
it will score in the 80's. critics these days....
i also have a strong feeling this might be the best in the franchise though. i think the added power in the PS4 will allow them to do some awesome things, and in the gameplay we seen some pretty amazing stuff, and they didnt even show a set piece. the openness and verticality in the level desgin and gameplay spoke for its self. it also seems to be giving different routes to players for them to explore the levels more.
Uncharted as a series heavily depends on technology for its gameplay and set peices. and with the generation bump, i think naughty dog will really do some new stuff with the series.. ughh... i cant fucking wait.
V-r0cK said:
lol pretty funny, but I don't think Uncharted 4 isn't big enough by itself to put it at it's end. |
Yeah, you are right. PS4 will obviously sell more than Xbox One lifetime, but it won't kill it. Next year could be very big for Playstation with Uncharted 4, God of War 4, Gran Turismo 7, Project Morpheus, etc... Will be an interesting year!