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Forums - Movies & TV - The Amount Of Sony Product Placement In 'The Amazing Spider-Man' Sequel Is Ridiculous

The Amount Of Sony Product Placement In 'The Amazing Spider-Man' Sequel Is Ridiculous

Warning: There are minor spoilers ahead. 

If you head out to see "The Amazing Spider-Man" sequel this weekend, be prepared to see a lot of Sony products alongside the webslinger. 

Sony phones. Sony laptops. Sony televisions. If Sony makes it, it's bound to be in the movie.

Here's a promotional photo of Peter Parker's bedroom from the film. How many Sony items can you spot?


We count at least three and a nod to a Sony Classics' movie. (We're not sure what kind of printer that is in the left hand corner, along with the headphones, and monitor. We'd be surprised if they weren't Sony, too.)



I can understand that any time a laptop is shown — from the opening scene to when Peter Parker's in his room — that it will be a VAIO. I'll even believe that Parker has a Sony cell phone.

However, there's another scene that's meant to be an emotional one between Peter and his Aunt May, and when the camera pulls back a bit, there's a Sony television on Parker's nightstand. Ugh.

There's another point when Parker steps into an old, abandoned subway car and an old Sony desktop is conveniently there. 


All of a sudden, these moments became a lot less emotional and more about the Sony products staring audiences in the face. When marketing starts to takes viewers' focus away from the film for even the slightest moment it starts to become an eye roll.

That's what happened while watching "The Amazing Spider-Man 2."

I don't usually notice product placement in movies, or at least, I try not to. The last time I remember seeing such obvious marketing was while watching Nokia, Walmart, and Sears pop up alongside Superman in last summer's "Man of Steel." That movie reportedly had 100 companies pay $160 million for  promotional tie-ins.

Again, I understand and know Sony's going to use its movie to show off its products, but does it need to be so painfully obvious? My problem here isn't that Sony's showing off its products. That's fine. 

It just isn't believable. We don't live in a world with only Sony electronics and that's what makes the products stick out so much in the sequel.

One reason we head out to theaters is for the thrill of escapism — to live in someone else's world for awhile. When that world becomes riddled with marketing it starts to defeat the purpose of what the film is trying to do — entertain.

"The Amazing Spider-Man" is a Sony superhero living in a Sony world. We're just along for the ride.





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Lol #alberteinstein

Why wouldn't there be? I've seen it and apart from when a product actually says Sony very clearly on screen I never noticed and it didn't take any notice of it. Guess I was to busy enjoying the movie rather than finding something incredibly minor to complain about. That second picture with a big arrow pointing to tiny writing that the camera shows at an unreadable angle is laughable.

Even after the arrows, the only one I can see is the vaio.
How would you possibly know the phone or camera are sony?

I've never even heard of dogtown and z-boys so I would associate that to sony as much as I would the einstein poster.

Sony wasted their opportunity here. They should have had a 60" bravia that covered half the room instead.

Can't say i noticed them at all while watching it at the cinima last week. The phones, computers, cars, TVs etc in most modern films have the logo of one company or another on them, just like in real life :p I find it more distracting when they purposely use those "no-logo" props.

Was a good film by the way. A huge improvement over the last film (which i found pretty dull). Dat clock tower scene D:

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Well I'm a mixed bag on marketing in games/movies

One one hand I'm all for it. Makes it seem realistic. You see ads all over in real life, I would rather see a Sears store or IHOP (for example in Man of Steel) than see some random made up store name. Also its basically free money for the movie/game which as I said makes it more realistic, so win/win scenerio.

Now there are downsides and that is product PUSHING. I never felt pushed in Man of Steel because the products were all different. We didn't go into 100 different IHOP's, or see 30 Sears stores, ect. We saw one and moved on. This Amazing Spiderman 2 movie from what you point out sounds like I might be cringing. There is nothing more immersive breaking than when someone goes to check their computer for something you see the computer logo, then the Windows 8 interface and some stupid way to just get to the internet and find something. Seriously just have the computer magically already showing the internet page. TV shows do this long super obvious advertising all the time. It annoys the hell out of me.

So I'll have to see on this movie. As long as its just logo's on things it won't bother me, but I do hope there is variety. Everything being Sony would also be immersion breaking.

BasilZero said:
Peter Parker/Spiderman a Sony fanboy confirmed! xD

I wonder where can I find his GAF's account in that case!

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

Not going to lie I didn't even notice any product placement till looking at that second Screenshot with it all labeled. I don't think average person notices it to be honest :P.

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One would have to have been living under a rock or something to be surprised by this.

Thank god for the red arrows! Or else I would have searched for hours to find the Sony products! Thank you red arrow!

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