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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Do you have a soft spot for Nintendo?

I do as well.


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

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I do. Even if I'm a Sony fan first and foremost, I owned pretty much every main handheld they made, and sooner or later I will also buy a 3DS ( probably later, seeing that I still don't have the necessary money to trow around).

I love their games, I love their focus on gameplay first, but they always played catch-up in the home console scene ever since the PS arrived.

So yeah, I have, I don't love them, but I highly enjoy most every product they make. If I would have enough money I would buy every one of their products, but alas, my income is tiny :(.

Vote the Mayor for Mayor!

Nope, I wouldn't care at all if they left the gaming business, it is a company which offerings do not appeal to me, nor do they affect me as a gamer.

So it is happening...PS4 preorder.

Greatness Awaits!

I would if they were not annihilating the vita

Squeezol said:

Badgenome :(

sry guise :(

But really, I guess it's mostly because they have been quite cut-throat and high-handed whenever they've had the strength to be that I can't help but see all the charming stuff they've made as the velvet glove in which their corporate iron fist resides.

Maybe if they had bothered to localize more than 1 (one) Mother game I'd feel differently!

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I *am* a Nintendo fan after all

I'm just still reasonable about things

I also enjoy games on PS and PC systems as well, meaning I get the best of all the worlds

[s]nope, Xbox doesn't have much exclusive-stuff I'm missing out on... though I *do* have Titanfall and a few 360 games but that's it[/s]

fps_d0minat0r said:
I would if they were not annihilating the vita

Nintendo really is to blame for everything.


fps_d0minat0r said:
I would if they were not annihilating the vita

Let the Nintendo domination continue with the 4DS >:)

fps_d0minat0r said:
I would if they were not annihilating the vita

dat butthurt

No not particularly.

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!