Absolutely agree. MLB probably won't move as many systems, but it could move a few and it'll sell very well.
Watchdogs will get exclusive marketing for PS4 and the best version will be PS4, it'll be identified as a PS4 game (much like CoD is an Xbox game) and it'll push consoles.
You guys really shouldn't underestimate Last of Us. It's a huge game and a lot of people missed out on it (especially in NA) because they were stuck with 360s. It can definitely move consoles, and it'll sell very well to 360 converts.
Desinty speaks for itself, much like Watchdogs, PS4 will be the best place to play it and it'll have exclusive marketing. Maybe even a bundle, it'll be big.
And the Order will be definitely be their big game. inFamous sold 1 million+ in 9 days, by the time the Order comes out the install base will probably be double, it'll definitely sell very well
Chris Hu said:
Just because you don't like baseball, doesn't mean everyone doesn't. MLB has consistently sold pretty well. It's not a big system seller, but it can help and it'll do well. For it's fanbase, it's certainly a big deal.