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Forums - Sales Discussion - February 2014 NPD Thread! PS4: 285k, XBO: 258k, Wii U: 82k

BenVTrigger said:
And this is my last post regarding this stuff as its off topic, but if you have a problem with me say it on my wall, don't derail a thread to slander me, or try to make it out like I'm just spreading FUD. Every single things I've ever said on here regarding numbers, leaks was what I hoped was good for the community and to give you guys a little insight on behind the scenes stuff and get some discussion going.

Maybe thats a mistake, as like anyone who does these kinds of things will tell you its impossible to be 100% accurate all the time. Things change, different retailers get different numbers, game announcements get delayed or changed. Its not easy and frankly risky.

Perhaps I'll just stick to my screenshot thread where its just us a few of us posting screens and being civil. Maybe I'll lay off saying anything about numbers or giving you a guys hints at whats gonna be announced. If thats what people from here want from me then so be it. I never went into any thread ANYWHERE on this forum in the 6 years I've been here and tried dragging peoples names through the mud. If I disagreed with them I confronted them in person directly.

Again I apologize for this off topic post mods, I just saw too much discussion going on in here about me, and it had little to do with my assessment of what February NPD would look like and more just bashing me. Hopefully this will end that thread of discussion.

Dont let them get to you.

People know that you have some inside info, but there will always be the minority that try to chat shit about you to push an agenda. Sweep them under the rug, prove them wrong with things like Arkham Knight

Edit for the new page -

Carl2291 said:

Well well... How do these check up against VGC numbers?

Lifetime for Wii U

Rayman ~ 99k
MH3U ~ 97k
S:LW ~ 94k
TW101 ~ 65k

Edit -

VGC numbers

Rayman ~127k (Over by ~28k)
MH3U ~112k (Over by ~15k)
S:LW ~124k (Over by ~30k)
TW101 ~79k (Over by 14k)

Numbers-wise, VGC doesnt look too bad. Percentage-wise is another story, especially for Rayman and Sonic.


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BenVTrigger said:

What the actual hell are you talking about. I never once insinuated Xbox One would be higher than PS4, the only time I talked about February NPD was on my wall. Go look at it right now, Seece asked me how I felt February looked compared to January on Xbox One and I said it was considerably better than January and could be over 200k.

You people who actually care about consoles / wars / biases / blah blah blah are beyond strange. Who cares they are pieces of plastic you take a plastic disc and stick into it to play files / bits / and pieces of data on.  If any of you feel emotionally invested into these pieces of plastic you need to step away from your damn machines.

I only said the PS4 stuff because I had a PS4 that failed. That's it.

One thing I'll say about becoming a PC gamer, is it makes all of you look frankly sad arguing and bickering over this crap. Leaving consoles behind as a secondary platform is litteraly the best gaming decision I've ever made.

It wasnt on your wall. It was in a thread. You flat out said XB1 was massively undertraxked. Which is fine, but you should have had some inside knowledge that the Ps4 was as well. You didnt mention it. Also, notice the parenthesis? Tjat was my impression of what you were saying (you also said in this thread you thought you were comfortable with talking about Feb sales when asked about march)

As for the ps4 failure rate, Im talking about before yours failed. You definitly over embellished it at the time. Dont you remember the "get your extended warranty because ps4 failure rate is a real problem" 6 months late not a peep

PS4 massively undertracked.
Xbox One massively undertracked.
Xbox 360 massively undertracked.
Wii U decently undertracked. 

Almost the whole gang's here. I'm sure if ps3 numbers were revealed that would be undertracked as well.

Very good month for console sales. 

justiceiro said:
Wiiu LTD

Rayman ~ 99k
MH3U ~ 97k
S:LW ~ 94k
TW101 ~ 65k

TW101 sold the most of them in 2014. It was at 49K in December.

I read gamespots article and it says 3DS sales by 25% and not Wii U's. For Wii U it is 180%... Wii U 180k? Gamestop says console and not software sales...

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Making me think Console Market was dying with all this Under tracking!

As for the Sales, Noice. Wii U needs to get to that 100k though, and XB1 is impressive though, its basically matching Japan. But what I wanna know is.
What about April?

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank

Dr.Henry_Killinger said:
Making me think Console Market was dying with all this Under tracking!

As for the Sales, Noice. Wii U needs to get to that 100k though, and XB1 is impressive though, its basically matching Japan. But what I wanna know is.
What about April?

That right there is a damn good question. I litterally have no idea what April - October are going to look like.

My gut is telling me in NA both consoles are gonna SLOOOOOOW down. I hope I'm wrong on that one tbh, but looking at software and the two consoles decently high price tags I just don't see how both systems could continue this momentum without a large amount of software or library to sustain them.

Could be wrong though, as Xbox 360 and PS3 are getting VERY long in the tooth now, so there may be enough people just wanting to move on to sustain sales.

hated_individual said:
I read gamespots article and it says 3DS sales by 25% and not Wii U's. For Wii U it is 180%... Wii U 180k? Gamestop says console and not software sales...

They confused some things. Many copy/paste errors on news sites today.

Wii U software increased by more than 180% YoY, 3DS software increased by more than 25% YoY.

Wii U hardware also increased by 25% YoY.

BenVTrigger said:

That right there is a damn good question. I litterally have no idea what April - October are going to look like.

My gut is telling me in NA both consoles are gonna SLOOOOOOW down. I hope I'm wrong on that one tbh, but looking at software and the two consoles decently high price tags I just don't see how both systems could continue this momentum without a large amount of software or library to sustain them.

Could be wrong though, as Xbox 360 and PS3 are getting VERY long in the tooth now, so there may be enough people just wanting to move on to sustain sales.

I have a feeling its all gonna be about value bundles up until the holidays.

Fully expect to see a Kinect Sports Rivals free bundle at least. Wouldnt be surprised to see Sony counter it by giving away Knack for free in the Summer. Sales will slow down significantly, because the games releasing in the lul arent exactly going to push them. 


BenVTrigger said:
And this is my last post regarding this stuff as its off topic, but if you have a problem with me say it on my wall, don't derail a thread to slander me, or try to make it out like I'm just spreading FUD. Every single things I've ever said on here regarding numbers, leaks was what I hoped was good for the community and to give you guys a little insight on behind the scenes stuff and get some discussion going.

Maybe thats a mistake, as like anyone who does these kinds of things will tell you its impossible to be 100% accurate all the time. Things change, different retailers get different numbers, game announcements get delayed or changed. Its not easy and frankly risky.

Perhaps I'll just stick to my screenshot thread where its just us a few of us posting screens and being civil. Maybe I'll lay off saying anything about numbers or giving you a guys hints at whats gonna be announced. If thats what people from here want from me then so be it. I never went into any thread ANYWHERE on this forum in the 6 years I've been here and tried dragging peoples names through the mud. If I disagreed with tI confronted them in person directly.

Again I apologize for this off topic post mods, I just saw too much discussion going on in here about me, and it had little to do with my assessment of what February NPD would look like and more just bashing me. Hopefully this will end that thread of discussion.

I dont have anything against your or your leaks (I enjoy them). What I did have something against was the notion you arent bias because in fact you are. You definitly favor XB more than PS (unless somethings changed recently) even if it is at a much lesser extent than most everybody else. There isnt anything wrong with that. I think you are taking what I said slightly too personal and looking into it way too much. I was merely pointing out some inconsistencies.

The only problem I have with your leaks is you say something and immediatly become meekish. Example, someone asks you "are you saying this?" and your response is "i dont know. am i?" or "maybe thats what im saying." Other than that kee them coming.