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BenVTrigger said:

What the actual hell are you talking about. I never once insinuated Xbox One would be higher than PS4, the only time I talked about February NPD was on my wall. Go look at it right now, Seece asked me how I felt February looked compared to January on Xbox One and I said it was considerably better than January and could be over 200k.

You people who actually care about consoles / wars / biases / blah blah blah are beyond strange. Who cares they are pieces of plastic you take a plastic disc and stick into it to play files / bits / and pieces of data on.  If any of you feel emotionally invested into these pieces of plastic you need to step away from your damn machines.

I only said the PS4 stuff because I had a PS4 that failed. That's it.

One thing I'll say about becoming a PC gamer, is it makes all of you look frankly sad arguing and bickering over this crap. Leaving consoles behind as a secondary platform is litteraly the best gaming decision I've ever made.

It wasnt on your wall. It was in a thread. You flat out said XB1 was massively undertraxked. Which is fine, but you should have had some inside knowledge that the Ps4 was as well. You didnt mention it. Also, notice the parenthesis? Tjat was my impression of what you were saying (you also said in this thread you thought you were comfortable with talking about Feb sales when asked about march)

As for the ps4 failure rate, Im talking about before yours failed. You definitly over embellished it at the time. Dont you remember the "get your extended warranty because ps4 failure rate is a real problem" 6 months late not a peep