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Forums - Sales Discussion - Global SW & HW UP!! - Week ending Feb 8 (ADJUSTMENTS - PS4 157k, X1 54k, WiiU 36k - PS4 64% marketshare)

PS4 is dominate in both N/A and EU and it's almost beat the 3DS without JP. And yes, the awesome PS3 is doing well and it's thank to the facts that there are great JRPG coming out on it. I don't care how much people are trying to defend the X360 but the PS3 is clearly selling more right now and it's definitely beat the X360 sell WW already even though some still trying their best to defend it.


riecsou said:
I just realised. PS4 in the US 66k superior to Xbox One Worldwide 53K....
That is not good at all for Xbox One. They need to advertise the heck out of Titanfall, cause that is the only thing they can do for now until they can release a Halo or Gears game...

Even EU is alone sell more than the X1.

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mikeslemonadeFromN4G said:

TOLD YA SO! When I said X1 would falter the camp didn't believe me. When I said 2 to 1 at launch window and then 3 to 1 by the end of the generation the camp didn't believe me.

What else I said?? I said it's gonna be the 2nd coming of the PS2. Now are you gonna believe me. My track record for forcasting sales ratios is amazing!

And it's all quiet in N4G right now. X1 camp got nothing else to say.  Where are you guys hiding!? Come back and click on that bookmark on your web browser to comment. 

Told ya so? Dude who the hell are you talking to? Your account is 8 days old and you have 7 posts and none of them mention any of the things you talk about in this post.

Or is this an alt?

pezus said:

PS4 with 61% marketshare this week...without Japan

japan won't be very relevant in that percentage for more than 2 weeks.

Zero999 said:
pezus said:

PS4 with 61% marketshare this week...without Japan

japan won't be very relevant in that percentage for more than 2 weeks.

Oh jesus ... You and your predictions again. Newsflash for you, once the PS4 launches in japan it will outsell the WII U in japan whenever.

Hopefully ps4 sales can keep up and not drop off in the not to distant future quickly like the wii u and one though i think this gen will be more front loaded than any other.

The ps3 and 360 sales on this site have been a bit suspect for a while compared with how much Sony and Microsoft are shipping.

vita us sales always make me sad, I wish more people would enjoy this amazing system but people are satisfied enough with tablets and phones so not needing more devices so there is little room for even one device as a designated gaming handheld.

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At current pace the X1 won't pass the Wii U for two years. Titanfall and Halo can't land soon enough.

My 8th gen collection

riecsou said:
I just realised. PS4 in the US 66k superior to Xbox One Worldwide 53K....
That is not good at all for Xbox One. They need to advertise the heck out of Titanfall, cause that is the only thing they can do for now until they can release a Halo or Gears game...

This is the usual pattern for MS; they make 60% of all Xbox sales in US (or NA). The rest of the world sells only around 40%

Playstation 5 vs XBox Series Market Share Estimates

Regional Analysis  (only MS and Sony Consoles)
Europe     => XB1 : 23-24 % vs PS4 : 76-77%
N. America => XB1 :  49-52% vs PS4 : 48-51%
Global     => XB1 :  32-34% vs PS4 : 66-68%

Sales Estimations for 8th Generation Consoles

Next Gen Consoles Impressions and Estimates

I'm glad PS4 is doing so well, it deserves it because Sony played all of its cards right, it would have won the gen no matter what, but now it is gonna dominate it, WiiU and XbOne are selling bad because of Nintendo's and Microsoft's decision making, but hopefully they do well because competition it good for the industry.

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

man that xbox one numbers are scaring the shit out of me. This is shocking

I alwas said it wouldn't happen but i'm starting to believe that the PS2 era is going to come back because of the PS4