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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Your reaction to the Wii U drought?

Well, it beats the crap out of last year: Not a single Nintendo developed game from January to July.

This year, at least we get two during that same time frame - and they're both fantastic.

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kidvizious said:
Michael-5 said:

Wonderful 101 ended WiiU's drought (despite poor sales).

Bayonetta 2 has been confirmed for summer 2014 in Japan. I doubt the game will release much later outside of Japan, I wouldn't be surprised if it launched in September and Smash Bros in November (or vice versa).

X worries me, they didn't even give it a 2014 release date. I'd really hate to see another FFXIII Versus or The Last Guardian. Also I don't think Nintendo is known for announcing games that far in advance. MS announced Halo 5, a fall 2015 game, at E3 2013. Uncharted 4 probably won't release until 2015 either. What does Nintendo have for 2015? X (maybe) and Fire Emblem x. SMT?

Crap. I realized I completely was wrong about the drought ending game. In North America where I am, it was actually Pikmin 3 in August.


and what about Yarn Yoshi? Is that game canned or what? 

lol I forgot about Pikmin 3, and it was actually the game I bought my Wii for (which I didn't get!).

I believe Yarn Yoshi is a 2014 game, but even if it releases in Q1/Q2 of 2015, it's still a <2 year wait. Halo 5 is a 2.5 year wait, and The Last Guardian is at 5 years and running.

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Mystro-Sama said:
Michael-5 said:

Okay well Sony's confirmed that The Last of Us 2 was in development for a while too. 


When on earth did they confirm such a thing? o.o They only said they were considering it the last time I heard.

I heard in an interview for TLoU DLC that it was already in the works. Maybe I misheard, but either way if you're going to talk about Nintendo long dev times and use Zelda then you have to mention how many devs talk about sequels being "in the works" not much after a game releases.

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Shouldn't getting over HD development be easier than it was last gen where it new to everyone as opposed to now where they're the only ones who haven't made the step?

Get a gaming PC or another console to accompany it. Sadly that seems to be the only way with Nintendo. If you're strictly a Nintendo gamer I guess the 3DS + Wii U should have you covered.

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It's pretty stink for those who brought it, droughts suck!

My reaction right now - is acception. I know that in the closest half a year I'll buy only two games for the WiiU (Donkey Kong and Mario Kart) and no games for 3ds (since SMT4 for Europe is absent). So I think Nintendo doing good in saving my money.

brighat said:

The Wii had ridiculously long droughts as well.

I owned the Wii on 5 different occasions; can't remember exact dates. The first Wii was in April 2007. I bought it to play Super Paper Mario and other games. As soon as I saw nothing else I liked, I would sell it and sell it quickly. The great thing about the Wii is that in its heyday, people wanted this system and you could sell it for almost the same price you bought it for. It was the safest investment in the industry. Then when a bunch of games I liked were released, I'd buy another console and rinse and repeat.

These Wii U droughts are worse and to make matters more dire, nobody wants to buy a Wii U. If I bought the system, I would be stuck with it and not able to get it sold unless I lowered my asking price significantly. I can't buy the system until there's plenty of games and that day might never come. I'm stuck with it. There is a drought with the PS4 but you know there's going to be plenty of software. Can't say that about the Wii U.

It sucks. I want to play Super Mario 3D World but I'm not paying $340 CAN for a Wii U until there's lots of software for it...and not just retreads of PS3/Xbox 360 games.

You can easily find a new Premium WiiU that includes both Nintendoland and SM3DWorld for 299$. Thats really some value you have there.

While it would be awesome of Ninty put out a new big title every other week, they simply cannot. Especially when 3rd parties are ignoring them.

However, They had games throughout the end of the year and only January has thus far been barren.... like every other console currently on the market.

Jan was dead for everyone as they busted their load Oct/Nov/Dec.
Feb had a couple small titles plus DKCTF.
Mar looks to be empty.
Apr has some small games and a good looking title from Ubi.
May has some small plus big MK.

That's all they've discussed so far. Spring. Summer we know will have Watch_Dogs and other smaller titles... possibly something bigger like bayonetta2, who knows.

Point is, you're making a mountain out of a mole hill.

Hell, I have 19 games owned plus another 23 VC titles and still have 5 games on my backlog to buy.

Anyone bitching Wii U has not games right now either lacks a decent gaming preference or has no life outside of gaming.

Michael-5 said:
Mystro-Sama said:
Michael-5 said:

Okay well Sony's confirmed that The Last of Us 2 was in development for a while too. 


When on earth did they confirm such a thing? o.o They only said they were considering it the last time I heard.

I heard in an interview for TLoU DLC that it was already in the works. Maybe I misheard, but either way if you're going to talk about Nintendo long dev times and use Zelda then you have to mention how many devs talk about sequels being "in the works" not much after a game releases.


I think you misheard.

Zelda? What are you talking about?