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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Your reaction to the Wii U drought?

I don't get the whole "drought" thing. I think close-minded gamers see a drought, but open-minded gamers will see there's plenty to choose from... The number of indie games and the backlog that many have ignored on the Wii U will keep a person busy for months!

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ZyroXZ2 said:
I don't get the whole "drought" thing. I think close-minded gamers see a drought, but open-minded gamers will see there's plenty to choose from... The number of indie games and the backlog that many have ignored on the Wii U will keep a person busy for months!


So people who aren't interested in the indies available or have run through them in a couple hours are close minded?

Mystro-Sama said:
ZyroXZ2 said:
I don't get the whole "drought" thing. I think close-minded gamers see a drought, but open-minded gamers will see there's plenty to choose from... The number of indie games and the backlog that many have ignored on the Wii U will keep a person busy for months!


So people who aren't interested in the indies available or have run through them in a couple hours are close minded?

No, I'm saying a full look at the Wii U library in its entirety instead of "oh, Mario Kart 8, and SSB, that's it, and eventually Zelda" is open-minded, lol

There's lots to choose from, and I see people ignoring gems like W101 just because "it doesn't seem interesting".  Ignoring indie games or VC titles they never got to play because "it doesn't seem interesting" is closed-minded.  They look at the surface and if it doesn't have shiny graphics and what they want in "hardcore games" (because these are generally the people) like violence, blood, "cool" factor, attitude, and other "mature" themes, it's somehow "not interesting",

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They don t give a damn about the Wii u and its customers- having yet another drought is a big F you to the people who own the console- IMO Nintendo sold the Wii u at launch based on faulty claims and promises and they continue to do so

i dont get it... at least they could make collections with GC games, no hd, just updated controlls and mb a online highscore or so. that would be 1 week work... the wii u should be able to play GC games without problems.
im pretty sure i could play normal GC games if it could read the disc.
pack 2 or 3 on a disc and give em to us. or make it for the 3rd partys. they will give the games to nintendo realy cheap.its good for the franchise value, the make money out of dead assets and nintendo gets games for the nerds and wouldnt lose any money.

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generic-user-1 said:
i dont get it... at least they could make collections with GC games, no hd, just updated controlls and mb a online highscore or so. that would be 1 week work... the wii u should be able to play GC games without problems.
im pretty sure i could play normal GC games if it could read the disc.
pack 2 or 3 on a disc and give em to us. or make it for the 3rd partys. they will give the games to nintendo realy cheap.its good for the franchise value, the make money out of dead assets and nintendo gets games for the nerds and wouldnt lose any money.

Even if they did make it in HD it still wouldn't cost alot and the development time would be short. WWHD only took 6 months and sold over a mil copies. All of that is just profit and it makes the lack of games bareable.

I am pretty baffled at what the hell has been going on at Nintendo for the last ~4 years. First of all, we have the last 2 years of the Wii, which barely got any support and games, and the first 2 years of the WiiU (BTW who thought of this horrible name?) in which we had a ton of platformers, and mediocre efforts.

Not to mention the worst of all : NO NEW IP AT ALL (please, don't mention Nintendo Turdland) and no effort to attract serious 3rd party games. Anyway, lesson learned : this is the last time I get a Nintendo home console at launch, if at all.

My reaction isn't so much personal, it's more I think the final nail in the Wii U's coffin though.

The system simply can't afford to have two back to back Jan-June seasons ... it just can't. The first year OK, you can forgive it a little bit, but the same problem in the second year is inexcusable.

Even with the Wii this was the time period where Mario Kart Wii, Smash Bros. Brawl, and Wii Fit all launched.

Mystro-Sama said:
generic-user-1 said:
i dont get it... at least they could make collections with GC games, no hd, just updated controlls and mb a online highscore or so. that would be 1 week work... the wii u should be able to play GC games without problems.
im pretty sure i could play normal GC games if it could read the disc.
pack 2 or 3 on a disc and give em to us. or make it for the 3rd partys. they will give the games to nintendo realy cheap.its good for the franchise value, the make money out of dead assets and nintendo gets games for the nerds and wouldnt lose any money.

Even if they did make it in HD it still wouldn't cost alot and the development time would be short. WWHD only took 6 months and sold over a mil copies. All of that is just profit and it makes the lack of games bareable.

6 month is a lot. they just have to change the controlls so the procontroller works and all is fine for a lot of games.

i get why they dont sell em on virtual console. the wii u hasnt enough space.  so they could sell em retail. not in shops but online. give a big shop an exklusiv deal on those games and print small amounts of the collections.

supermonkeyball collection for 30$ sure as hell! crazy taxi and sonic riders for 30$ why not...