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Mystro-Sama said:
ZyroXZ2 said:
I don't get the whole "drought" thing. I think close-minded gamers see a drought, but open-minded gamers will see there's plenty to choose from... The number of indie games and the backlog that many have ignored on the Wii U will keep a person busy for months!


So people who aren't interested in the indies available or have run through them in a couple hours are close minded?

No, I'm saying a full look at the Wii U library in its entirety instead of "oh, Mario Kart 8, and SSB, that's it, and eventually Zelda" is open-minded, lol

There's lots to choose from, and I see people ignoring gems like W101 just because "it doesn't seem interesting".  Ignoring indie games or VC titles they never got to play because "it doesn't seem interesting" is closed-minded.  They look at the surface and if it doesn't have shiny graphics and what they want in "hardcore games" (because these are generally the people) like violence, blood, "cool" factor, attitude, and other "mature" themes, it's somehow "not interesting",

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